Autonomi Glossary and Acronyms

I know I can’t be the only one who forgets what some of the abbreviations are here and that’s the reason I made this. It’s a Wiki so anybody can update or comment with what to add, then I will. :wink: I started off with a couple, but know there are tons more to be added. Thanks.

ABFT - Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance - A cornerstone of the SAFE Network
Actor - A node or group of nodes performing an action

Adult - A node that can store and route data.

AE - Anti-Entropy - AE forces all nodes that want to perform data operations on the network to prove they are up to date.
AT2 - Asynchronous Trustworthy Transfers
BFT - Byzantine Fault Tolerance - Byzantine fault tolerance is the dependability of a fault-tolerant computer system, particularly distributed computing systems, where components may fail and there is imperfect information on whether a component is failed.
BLOB - Binary Large OBject
BRB - Byzantine Reliable Broadcast
Chunk - A piece of immutable data of limited size. Typically a file is made up of multiple chunks.
CLI - Command Line Interface

Close Group Consensus- Using Close Group Consensus, small groups are able to make statements on behalf of the entire Network which means that the Network does not need to communicate directly with every single node each time.

CRDT - Conflict-free Replicated Data Type
CRDT-tree - Basis of the Safe Network file system
DAG Directed Acyclic Graph
DevOps CI/CD - Software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
DBC - Digital Bearer Certificate - Digital Money first described by Nick Szabo in 1997
DLT - Distributed Ledger Technology
DKG - Distributed Key Generation
droplet - similar to an AWS instance, provided by Digital Ocean, preferrd by many for hosting nodes in the cloud.
DSB - Deterministically Secure Broadcast

Elder - An adult node with voting rights in its section

E2E - End-to-end
GET - To read data from the network (free, no account needed).
GUI - Graphical User Interface
IDA - information dispersal algorithm. Used to split data into k-of-n parts which reduces bandwidth when fetching data.
IDN - Internationalized Domain Name
IGD - Internet Gateway Device

Infant - A node that has not yet proved its worth to the Network.

I/O - input/output is any software or hardware device designed to send and receive data to and from a computer hardware component
MAID - Massive Array of Internet Disks
MaidSafer - An employee of the MaidSafe Company - not in common use.
Map - Data type, a kind of key-value store
MVE - Minimum Viable Experience
MVP - Minimum Viable Product
Node - A device running software that performs networking tasks such as allowing another node to join the Network, storing and routing data and communicating with other nodes. (Formerly Vault)
NRS - Name Resolution System

PARSEC - Protocol for Asynchronous, Reliable, Secure and Efficient Consensus. A protocol that was developed some years ago but is now superseded, PARSEC allowed the team to develop other more efficient methods of achieving the seemingly impossible.

Proof of Authority - Cryptographic proof that a node or group of nodes is permitted to perform a requested action
PUT - To add/amend data on the network (costs SNT)
PR - Pull Request
quic-p2p - A software library allowing secure and reliable connection between nodes.
RDF - Resource Description Framework
Replica - a CRDT term. In a Safe context it’s another word for Elder
RFC - Request for Comments
RMD - Reliable Message Delivery
Safer - Any user or developer of the SAFE Network.
Safester - An early adopter that helped or contributed in some way towards the launch of the Safe Network.
Safe - Secure Access For Everyone

SAP - Section Authority Provider is a set of Elders signed by the current section chain elders. So you can traverse the section chain from genesis and confirm the nodes you are speaking to are valid Safe Elders in a valid Safe section. When speaking to Elders with a section key they may say you are out of date, give you part of the section chain from your key to the new key plus the new SAP (set of Elders to connect to)

SCL - SAFE Client Libs

SectionChain (or SectionProofChain) - A sequence of public keys, each signed by the previous one, that’s updated every time an Elder is changed and acts as proof that the Section is valid

Self-encryption - Files uploaded to the Network are broken up into chunks. These chunks are then hashed and encrypted locally using hashes of neighbouring chunks from the same file
Sequence Data type, an append-only data type in which the data is not associated with keys
SLD - Service Level Design
SMD - Secure Message Delivery
SNT - Safe Network Token
UI - User Interface, closely related to
UX - User Experience
Vault - see Node
WP - White Paper
XorName - a representation of an XOR address


Great idea!
This’ll surely help a lot of people, including me…


DBC - Digital Bearer Certificate


BLOB - Binary Large OBject


NRS - Name Resolution System


MAID - Massive Array of Internetworked Disks :wink:


SAFE - Secure access for everyone :slight_smile:


From yesterday’s update:

RFC - Request For Comments
PR - Pull Request
UX - User experience
CLI - Command Line Interface
CRDT - Conflict-free Replicated Data Type
RMD - Reliable Message Delivery
SAFE - Secure Access for Everyone


I’m really enjoying the ant-like vibe of collaboration here. :slight_smile:


SMD - secure message delivery

They seemed to have changed or been added to?
So SMD and RMD then I guess.


GUI - Graphical User Interface



I’ll mention as it may matter to those in the future searching for a document like this; the correct word is acronym and not abbreviation.


The word “Consensus” is missing.


Devops CI/CD - software Development and information-technology operations Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery


Fixed it. Thanks.


Fixed. :slight_smile:



Future thought, it’s possible that abbreviations will also be present and if so the title could use the word Terms and the topic’s description could contain both acronym and abbreviation.


I just need to know the exact wording and I’ll update it.

EDIT: I attempted, but gibberish is my native tongue and if it needs to be changed, let me know.


Don’t forget PUT and GET.


What do those stand for?

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