Welcome to the Autonomi Forum

This is a discussion forum about the Autonomi (originally known as the Safe Network), a decentralized data storage and communications network that replaces data centers and servers with the spare computing resources of its users.

Learn about Autonomi

The Autonomi White Paper is a good place to start learning about the network.

Read the forum guidelines

We expect you to be familiar with the forum guidelines before posting a reply or topic.

Use the right category

Before posting a topic, look at all the categories and try to select the one you think fits best.

  • Beginners: Are you new to Autonomi? Read the Autonomi FAQ (add link here), introduce yourself in this topic and feel free to create a topic that contains all the questions you have!

  • Support: This is the place to ask for help about anything related to end-user applications such as Autonomi App, Autonomi Browser, Autonomi Node and Autonomi CLI. This category can also be used for support questions related to MaidSafeCoin/Autonomi Network Token.

  • Features: Topics about existing and potential features of Autonomi.

  • Apps: Topics about existing and potential Autonomi apps.

  • Autonomi Network Token: General discussion about Autonomi Network Token. News, features, economics, etc.

    • Price: Topics about the MaidSafeCoin/Autonomi Network Tokenprice.
  • Farming: Topics about farming equipment, techniques and experiences.

  • Development: Technical topics about the core libraries and APIs of Autonomi.

  • Community: Topics relevant to the Autonomi community.

    • Blog posts: Topics discussing blog posts that are directly relevant to the Autonomi community.

    • Events: This is the place to organize and announce events that are relevant to the Autonomi community.

    • Podcasts: Topics discussing podcasts that are relevant to the Autonomi community.

    • Videos: Topics discussing videos that are relevant to the Autonomi community.

  • Press: News articles, interviews and other press that are specifically about Autonomi.

  • Marketing: Topics about marketing strategies and discussion related to potential app builders, farmers and users.

Some categories are not displayed on the homepage, but they are easily accessible via the Categories page. This is because the goal of this forum is to focus on discussions about Autonomi. Therefore the following categories are not displayed on the homepage:

  • Cybersecurity: Topics about news, blog posts, videos and presentations that relate to cybersecurity.

  • Related Projects: Topics about apps and projects that don’t use Autonomi, but that are related to Autonomi in some way (e.g. projects that focus on privacy, security and freedom).

  • Meta: For bug reports, suggestions, complaints, discussions about moderation and other questions that are specific to this forum or to the Discourse forum software, please use the meta category. You can also contact the moderators directly by sending a private message to “moderators”. And if you spot a reply or a topic that is not in line with the forum guidelines, please flag it.

  • Off-topic: Topics about politics, philosophy and anything else.

  • Local: Topics where discussion in other languages is allowed.

  • Uncategorized: Topics that don’t need a category, or don’t fit into any other existing category. We try to avoid having topics in this category, but if you are not sure what category to use, just leave your topic uncategorized and a moderator will move it to the appropriate category (if there is one).

Where is this forum hosted, who pays for it and who is taking care of it?

This forum is hosted on the servers of the Discourse team, paid for by MaidSafe, administered primarily by @neo and @Dimitar and moderated by a group of active community members. The autonomi.community domain name is managed by @Dimitar.

Here is a short history of Autonomi Forum: