[I’ve put the personally beneficial aspect forward foremost however there is a potential benefit to SAFE as well]
I have an idea that I think could be a fun experiment for the community while generating and spreading around much value.
I wish to earn an income working with and on SAFE. With this campaign, I also offer to work for the community and at a discounted rate from private projects.
Sponsor me:
In 1 hour increments.
For any quantity of hours you wish to direct. I will allot up to 20 hours per week to this so that I’m also able to move my moonlight project forward concurrently.
Develop community projects (apps or CLI tools) for SAFE, in public GitLab repositories owned by a community GitLab account (source) separate from mine, under the MIT and BSD 3-clause licenses.
Work on open issues of SAFE itself, in its GitHub repositories, under its chosen licenses.
Brainstorm ideas for solving SAFE and ecosystem engineering challenges.
Begin the work within three days and complete it within three days and the quantity of hours sponsored at a rate of 8 hours per day.
Summarize in a reply to this topic how the time was spent and what value was generated.
Sending MAID to my or @Dimitar’s (for free escrow, pooling, and expense accounting) OMNI address (NOT INCLUDED UNTIL MODERATORS APPROVE) and optionally specifying how you’d wish the time to be used in a reply to this topic with both the tx and directive. I’ll use my best judgement for any unspecified or remaining time.
Based on a discounted community rate of $50/hr at the time of transaction.
Directive Prerequisites
Directives must be exclusively related to SAFE unless explicitly agreed to.
Any project and SAFE code I write must be exclusively in Rust.
My intention for the earned MAID is to:
Offramp 60% to fiat for living expenses and taxes.
Add 20% to exchanges to support liquidity.
Save 20% for at least five years as a part of my investment into SAFE.
Answers to frequently asked questions
Copyright of assets produced for projects, public or private, will belong to the sponsors.
Sponsors of projects, public or private, are solely entitled to their Safecoin rewards. (source)
The provenance of assets produced for community projects: (source)
Community account creates empty repositories named for projects.
I build with my account and in my forks of the repositories.
From my account, I open merge requests with produced assets (code, documentation, etc.) in the repositories of the community account.
Merge requests are accepted by community account, assets are merged, and assets are outside of my control.
My personal opinion is that this campaign has the following forms of value to investors in SAFE: (source)
More SAFE interest and activity.
An example of sufficient technical confidence in SAFE required to accept MAID for compensation. (off-ramping 60% to fiat)
Accepting MAID for a useful professional service creates demand and adds to MAID’s fundamental value.
As I begin working with SAFE I will be functioning as a beta tester to the developer on-boarding process and opening issues/pull requests, GitHub’s term for merge requests and SAFE’s repositories are hosted there, that I believe would improve it. Better developer on-boarding, easier developer on-boarding, more developers, more building.
As I build experience working with SAFE I will be able to review existing design decisions and implementations, offer critiques, as well as contribute to ongoing conceptual development. More competent eyes, more ideas, a technically higher quality end product.
More avenues for those having good SAFE ideas and capital, yet lacking in technical acumen or time, to realize those ideas.
I offer to build an app of the community’s choosing, at my expense, as a show of good faith and to demonstrate my competence (source)
I invite you to reply with questions, comments, requests for time estimates, and directive discussion.
I welcome your enthusiasm. One of the problems I see is that you are new to the forum and unfortunately over the years this community has seen a lot of fraud.
In my opinion, the community will be more likely to use your services if you agree to use an escrow service. I can offer such a service for free.
Certainly. I would have proposed something similar myself if not having thought that I addressed risk sufficiently by offering 1 hour granularity. That does not completely alleviate risk however and so I welcome your offer.
Would reviving a project be something that you’d be willing to take on as part of this offer?
Everyone was super excited about it and then the developer disappeared from the forum and they’d progressed pretty far along. All the info and updates are in the forum post below:
I don’t think MaidSafe would want to spend $104,000 on freelance engineering(Rate of 40 hours per week @ $50 per hour for a year). $50 per hour is pretty steep for freelance, they would rather have a quality salaried person at that rate I imagine which comes with reliability and dedicated effort(but it sounds like the team right now is a good size to hopefully deliver on an MVP).
I’ve thought of another potential form of value your generous offer to provide free escrow could add. Multiple parties interested in sponsoring a directive could pool their resources with you first to prove interest as well as alleviate my record keeping overhead.
Yes and I think that that’s an excellent idea. It would provide an opportunity to salvage investment from the past by successfully realizing its value.
To know where we are, assess the existing investment by:
A. Thoroughly reading both topics.
B. Identifying options, unknowns, potential risks, and risk management consideration.
C. Organizing the pertinent data into an outline.
To know precisely what success looks like, with community input, sufficiently specifying a production plan organizing the concept into milestones.
To see early and regular success, build a milestone at a time as discrete directives.
Each stage, being a directive, would include the summary of the work, produced assets as applicable, and provide the opportunity for regular community feedback to be integrated.
As stated here time I spend learning SAFE is at my expense and not yours.
I estimate stage 1 requiring 530 minutes or 9 hours rounding up.
Without specifying the profile of the developer that’s difficult to discuss. Assuming you’re referring to mine that’s incorrect. My contract rate is $80/hr and is competitive. I’m offering it through this campaign for $50.
As with any aspect of this campaign, I would especially invite other developers to critique and challenge me.
I think the plan is to commission work from community members that have ideas and funds but no coding experience. The effort to obtain trust by being granular with time seems genuine to me. What is someone going to make off with $50? Even if that happened then they would be able to tell the rest of the community just as much as they could share progress of the open source repo if the work is completed.
Cut the guy some slack. I think it’s a possible opportunity and an interesting proposition for those with ideas and no coding experience. We could use more active development of apps imo.
That’s an incorrect assumption. A moderator could look in my messages and confirm that if they wish.
I’ve either already addressed your other points or IMHO they are irrelevant. For example, those helping for free are doing a good thing, but we are different people and unfortunately I do not currently have that option.
I have value to offer, I had an interesting idea, I proposed it, and it will be capitalized on or not.
Please also consider that the way this has been done previously is that the person presented their project and offered something for the contributors in return. OR the person did the work with the expectation that they would earn their “money” through PtD rewards that will occur over time.
To pay an “independent contractor” means they are earning at commercial rates then earning the PtD rewards after. In reality its the people who pay their bills who legally should be earning the PtD rewards since the contractor has already received their payment.
Thus in this situation we start to have a messy situation both in who should be getting what and legally.
While you are indeed offering value, it’s like I pay you then you do something for everyone basically. Not that I would not consider a small amount as a "charitable donation… but as an investment I don’t see how you would be making me money personally.
I am doubtful you will find 1M of charity from our modest sized community. Perhaps if you could frame it as an investment you could get those kind of numbers. For example you create an app for me to own and make the passive income off.
I don’t think he understands this part of the network design… If you read this part of his topic you will see that he does not know that 5% of all SafeCoin is reserved for the development of the network and will be accessible to anyone who can contribute:
Well maybe there are some git issues raised on some of the MaidSafe repos labeled as challenging. If you can get in there with minimal guidance and refactor or add the additional logic in short time I am sure you could find a place among the dev team. SAFE is desperately needed, and if you are kickass brilliant dev then idk why they couldn’t pay out some big bucks to someone who can fully shoulder the burden in certain aspects of the network left to complete, crank out some thousands of lines of code and deliver what we need .
I don’t have any rust/decentralized/web 3.0 tech specialties so I play the cheerleader role around here even though I am a software engineer by trade, plus the day job keeps me too burned out to want to dig into big side projects.