Hey guys, I figured it would be best for this project to build anticipation if I post an update here whenever I reach any sort of milestone (so most likely every few days) - so here’s the first.
Frontend framework
As of right now, I have ReactJS running how I want it to, rendering the different page views when the menu items are clicked on and posts can be created, here is how the post listing page looks at the moment (it’s worth mentioning the “Published” value is spoofed for now, I’ll explain why further below):
(The app looks sharp, no where near as blurry as this image, for some reason it seems to have been compressed during upload)
I’m using the Flux library to pass around state and delegate events when data is changed.
Server application
I have settled on Node Express.js for running the “server” within the compiled executable. This server will act as middleware between the frontend (React) and the SafeNet, allowing me to take advantage of the native filesystem.
As of right now, when posts are created, they are simply persisted to the local filesystem (so closing and re-opening the app preserves the posts!) and the next step is for me to download the Safe Node JS app framework and pull out the library functions I need to interface with the SafeNet.
I’m using abstraction layers wherever anything to do with the operating system / arch (32/64) are concerned, so the app is going to support “every” operating system, where “every” is the subset currently supported by the Nexe compilation tool (so that’s Windows, OSX, popular OS distributions built atop the linux kernel)
What’s left
Things I still have left to do for now are:
- Integrate the local app with the Safe Authenticater
- Integrate the local filesystem posts with the remote SafeNet posts
- “copy” (steal) the code from the Safe Web Hosting Manager example app which deals with the creation of public IDs and domains within them
- Figure out how to load secondary
files withinsafe://
websites, I’m assuming this is already supported natively by the browser, but I don’t want to count out any complications - Build the tool for converting the template files from HTML/CSS/JS to the single JS executable
- Build a few sample templates to export with the app
I feel like I’m in a good spot after a couple of days of working on this part-time, and have a solid understanding for the problem space and what to do next. I don’t foresee any major blockers and I’m happy and excited with the progress I’ve made thus far.