Safe-CMS - Censorship is a thing of the past

Hello all, first of all I just want to say a massive thank you to all of you for your continued support, publicity, etc. It’s really appreciated and makes working on this much easier for me. I’ve been working on this project for 3 weeks now and your support during that time has been amazing. :slight_smile:

The video below showcases the creation of a public name, a service within it, then the creation (and upload) of a simple, template-less bog post at the address index.html, you can verify this all yourself by visiting safe://www.hellosafeforum2/ in your SAFE browser.

This is all obviously a little bit rough, there are no indicators for when things are loading / saving and the “timeline” on the post edit page doesn’t update to “published”, but it’s very nearly there. From here, the only things I have left are as follows:

  • Add some nice loading indicators as said above
  • Create the template compiler
  • Create a few “default” templates for our lazier users to take advantage of

Finally, I’m confident in the work done so far - enough to finally set an official release date: February 24th 2018.