MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

There is usually a point above zero where someone is willing to just buy all of it. What price we are talking about is still getting sorted out so I won’t call any specific price just yet. I got a feeling somewhere on the way down a whale is going to interject and try for a floor very soon though.


Many are exhausted about releases, sadly but development speed reflect to the price, maybe It’s very good price to buy, who knows. This year is very important and will show if there is something or just vaporwave


OK well, you can argue the development speed of the entire project for all the past years could lead it down to this price. Development is speeding up, though. (To say nothing of it now actually being near completion. And, one more road-map element just got completed—making for 3/15 foundations now still to-be-completed, instead of 4/15.) Therefore: not zero. Also, “Vaporware: software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed.” By this definition, it’s always been vaporware. In Development is a much kinder term, considering how much work is being put into the project. “Still being written” or “still being designed” can have varying levels of speeds, which the term vaporware deceptively leaves out of its connotation. (The current 3/15 in-development foundations have also had considerable invention throughout the years, so they aren’t some abstract anomaly that people should fret over.)

Oh, you said vaporwave… that’s ok music sometimes.


Not to be a conspiracy theorist and all, but the finish line is closer than it’s ever been and a lot of folks probably see this project as a threat.

Best way to kill a threat without outright mercing them? Take away their funding in order to stop what they are doing!

I’ll go back to my corner and put my aluminum foil helmet back on. :wink:


with current liquidity it would be possible to buy enough to then sell at a loss, but totally crash the market in the process. I doubt someone would do this to destroy the project. maybe to load up a huge bag before driving the price back up I would believe. you always hear PnD but DnP also can work :stuck_out_tongue:


Price cant destory this project. Haha


Oh yes It can

Oh you really thick that. Then, you should consider to sell it. It is important to control your risk.

I have been looking decentralized field over 6 years. The valuable coded project always prove their value at the market.

And I think the whole decentralized project is under “protocol game not platform game” and i think the maidsafe protocol is the most powerful. So, I think now price can not ruin the project.

Remember “It is still protocol war not platform or application game.” (Look the paper of maidsafe it is “protocol”).

P.S. If you buy maidsafe coin, you invest next generation TCP/IP protocol:safenetwork. If it is working, we own the fuel to use future internet. And we will replace old TCP/IP. That is the protocol game. Other blockchains compete with what…? Shadow boxing? :slight_smile:


Pumpers will pump and trolls will troll. You usually notice their activity matches price movements. Just saying.

No matter what everyone pretend to be happy, let’s be realistic…

You work 18 hours a day 7 days a week and see if it feels realistic :wink: Realism is doing stuff, only talking about stuff is not necessarily realistic.


if the dropping price is a risk to this project wouldnt it make sense for a big whale who is invested big to step in and move the price up to a safer area?


If you didn’t just come here to troll when there is bad news, I may value your opinion. However, you just post about the sky falling, whenever there is bad news.

I can’t remember you posting anything constructive (even criticism), supportive, informative or helpful here. You just stoke fear when there is bad news. You clearly have an agenda.


Looking at the roadmap, all those green ticks. 3 - ish tasks left. Massive bites taken out of the work load, chewed and digested.

At this stage a low price cannot stop the MVE.

Once we have an MVE POC… Well that’s it, we will have arrived on the scene and an army of geeks out there will be hoovering up coins so they can play with this nice new shiny toy.

The current low price is nothing to complain about - the code progress confirms what a bargain $0.07 per coin is. :slight_smile:

The current low price won’t stop the next 3 green ticks.


This community is so lucky to witness this coming together.

3 more ticks…
3 more ticks…
3 more ticks… :champagne::champagne::champagne::champagne:


who can sell at those prices, doesnt seem right. must be a manipulation. 1 btc will drive the price on bittrex to 1.1k satoshi , dont sell or you will have to buy back at the price of +30% probably.


like they say buy when others fear… funny correlation that the price is lowest/btc ever and we are closest to release ever. I guess its often like that you have a dump before a big pump on the market


@dirvine Srsly, how far off are we from flaming? BSV (Craig Wright) guys are pushing forward thinking they’re gonna win it all. I just hope you guys are gonna pull it through soon, and not tomorrow. You must give’m a fight back because they are ruthless. They want to destroy the whole crypto space. I hope you would do it before they succeed.

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lol he wasn’t just waiting til you asked to put out a release date. At this point it is unknown or they are keeping it secret. I would lean more towards they don’t even know. I would expect when there is a release date you will hear first in the dev update or an (unsolicited) post on these forums or some kind.


man lets have some volume! Either buy the cheap coins I picked up in the last couple days or sell me more cheap coins. Here I will get it going by market buying a bit (even though chainrift fee structure heavily favors being the maker)


This is comparing apples with screwdrivers