MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

who can sell at those prices, doesnt seem right. must be a manipulation. 1 btc will drive the price on bittrex to 1.1k satoshi , dont sell or you will have to buy back at the price of +30% probably.


like they say buy when others fear… funny correlation that the price is lowest/btc ever and we are closest to release ever. I guess its often like that you have a dump before a big pump on the market


@dirvine Srsly, how far off are we from flaming? BSV (Craig Wright) guys are pushing forward thinking they’re gonna win it all. I just hope you guys are gonna pull it through soon, and not tomorrow. You must give’m a fight back because they are ruthless. They want to destroy the whole crypto space. I hope you would do it before they succeed.

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lol he wasn’t just waiting til you asked to put out a release date. At this point it is unknown or they are keeping it secret. I would lean more towards they don’t even know. I would expect when there is a release date you will hear first in the dev update or an (unsolicited) post on these forums or some kind.


man lets have some volume! Either buy the cheap coins I picked up in the last couple days or sell me more cheap coins. Here I will get it going by market buying a bit (even though chainrift fee structure heavily favors being the maker)


This is comparing apples with screwdrivers


Minimum 6 months with their speed, so relax and enjoy the life…

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I love this project. And these stupid low prices even more… more fool the sellers.

My kids are going to be very greatful one day.


@anon78865233 I really hope you are right.


until what, maybe beta but nit fleming, and fleming will bring croud already

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still no one moving. Feels like everyone went all in at a higher price. The worst position you can be in trading is when you think its too low to sell but got no ammo left to buy.

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How about you just relax and read a book. :wink:


Are you kidding? BSV army wants to kill us all. I hope Maidsafe can meet their challenge and have a proper answer. You can’t take lightly Craig wright with all his 2000 patents.

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Again, you are comparing apples with screwdrivers.

Edit: what makes you think BSV is a competitor? SAFE and bsv are two different technologies.


lol I haven’t read an actual book in I can’t remember how long. Not a bad suggestion though. Need to kill some time and just let the market evolve. I was just hyped to see some action in this range when that wall fell, but all of the sudden no one wants to play my game with me anymore :frowning:


Look at what they are planning to build. The metanet. “The Metanet is a global protocol and framework, designed by Dr. Craig Wright, for structuring and facilitating the on-chain internet for the Bitcoin SV blockchain.”
Now you tell me if that is different from the Safe netwrok. People are so ignorant and asleep.So bad

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Planning is the key word here. Doing is a very different thing. SAFE is nearly built not planning to be built.


Reading suggestion is Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Changed my whole perspective on life and it’s only 274 pages. I’ve read three more of his books since and need to read more.


Data storage is the greatest weakness of blockchain technology, that’s why there was such a big fight in Bitcoin over even a small block size increase, also why the SAFE network isn’t a blockchain. You get great security but only for tiny amounts, doing something like SAFE on a bitcoin style blockchain wouldn’t work even with the best developers.


Yep. If Craig Wright is trying to “destroy all of crypto,” well (on top of it being an insane overstatement), SAFE Network won’t really be part of traditional crypto. It has shown to be the most decoupled (at times; all times?) price-wise. Metanet site that was linked: says it’s Blockchain-based. This SAFE project isn’t Blockchain-based, and is/will be vastly superior in all ways. (I won’t bother listing all those ways, and before ever bothering to do so again I would rather wait until the next big public/investor awareness happens for this project, when people would pay attention again way more, for the nth time.)

If SAFE Net could ever be argued that its name doesn’t sound like it should/could be the next Internet, then the technology itself will create its name as the most fitting name. And it is a pretty good name. Metanet sounds like people would make fun of for “being too meta,” among other things. Dunno why it’s even being given a platform here. (Oh wait, I do. Shilling!)