Sorry I have blue blood
This is such a sad fact.
It’s much older than that, although it was called web 3.0 before. Here’s for example what the Wikipedia page on web3 looked like ten years ago. At that time it was the semantic web and the metaverse. The metaverse is still hyped, but now there’s more blockchain hype than semantic web hype.
Yeah, I meant specifically “Web3” rather than Web 3.0. That seems to the tag everyone’s suddenly throwing around.
He is dedicated to walking alone whilst masticating
Could be a useful benchmark to contrast with SN…
Not exactly sure when this became a thing,but I think it stems from the ethereum library web3.js.
“It doesn’t rain, but it pours. Previously, one assumption about the 10 out of 10 Log4j security vulnerability was that it was limited to exposed vulnerable servers. We were wrong.”
and exploited here…
Happy Returning of the Light, everybody!
Not everybody! We are returning to the dark down under! … but at least we still have long days for another while to come here in Tassie.
Good point! I actually thought about editing my post and adding “Northern hemisphere”, but then forgot about you all. Sorry! I wish you a happy Midsummer then.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said that the north London club was “taking advantage of consumers’ inexperience or credulity, trivialising investment in crypto assets, misleading consumers over the risk of investment and not making it clear the ‘token’ was a crypto asset”.
Popped up on my news feed, but interesting to see web3 getting this sort of attention. There must be an angle for safe network making some inroads here, even in current non-working state.
Roy Singham and his legacy of non profits sound like they may be in tune with the goals of Safe Network and worthy of benefiting from it. See thread…
Not much in his Wikipedia page (he founded Thoughtworks, a global software company), but this stood out wrt Safe Network:
Singham says, “I believe the world should have access to the best ideas in software for free. My goal is a technically-superior infrastructure to solve the world’s problems.”
Right now that might just add to the perception that it’s all vapourware, but when there’s something to show, definitely.
Most articles I’ve read recently on Web3 tie it very closely to blockchain, and especially ethereum, though, and also tie the perceived failures of Web3 to broken promises of blockchain around PoS, energy use, crypto bubbles and VC manipulation, mining centralisation, losing keys etc - where we will have some real answers.
Couple of examples here - both quite long unfortunately, but worth a read IMHO.
I understand a lot of the motivations driving people to wanting to rethink the web. The monopolies and power imbalances, the inequality and unfairness.
I understand that especially creative people are desperately looking for ways to make a decent living and selling NFTs looks like a very simple way to make some serious cash. I get it. We need to find a mode of life that allows people to work on their art or whatever else they want to do and still be clothed, fed, sheltered and otherwise taken care of. Comfortably.
But as much as those problems need solutions, Web3 is not it.
Let’s focus on the parts of the Web3 vision that aren’t about easy riches, on solving hard problems in trust, identity, and decentralized finance. And above all, let’s focus on the interface between crypto and the real world that people live in, where, as Matthew Yglesias put it when talking about housing inequality, “a society becomes wealthy over time by accumulating a stock of long-lasting capital goods.” If, as Sal Delle Palme argues, Web3 heralds the birth of a new economic system, let’s make it one that increases true wealth—not just paper wealth for those lucky enough to get in early but actual life-changing goods and services that make life better for everyone.
True, but it feels like web3 is exactly what safe network can deliver when these other cobbled together blockchain solutions can’t.
It just feels like the conversation is coming towards us. It would be a shame not to be a part of that discussion.
I agree we should be careful about jumping on the Web3 bandwagon, though that hasn’t stopped me . Though I always point out the key differences as I have always done when commenting on crypto threads, including non-blockchain and energy efficient, and then scalable, secure, surveillance proof etc.
The bigger opportunity here might be dWeb, which we’re already part of, and which has more folk who are in tune with Safe Network fundamentals (such as free universal access). It can be tricky though because many see anything with a crypto token as a scam, money driven etc, so here I have been making the point that Safe Network is non-VC, not motivated by profit, values based and I tend to include a link to Safe Network fundamentals (the thread on this forum). You can see this in my reply to Jack in the thread Paul linked above (here).
So I think we can pipe up in Web3 pointing out why we’re different (non-VC, non-blockchain) and what that means, and in DWeb again pointing out those things, and showing the fundamentals which David and MaidSafe have been true to for 15 years. In the latter I use the words democratising alongside decentralised. Many in DWeb are wary of or absolutely against monetisation (so point out Tor: altruism isn’t enough), and particularly anti-blockchain (because planet frying ponzi) and against VC because they are the problem (Facebook etc) - not my judgements but the perceptions of many, right or wrong, it doesn’t matter because Safe Network is an answer to most of these objections.