Yes there is a possibility it’s a website hack only, we need to know if real folk lost real money here, but this is the problem of freedom privacy etc. when mixed with “when moon” type folks, you cannot trust anything at all. Foundations and fundamentals are so important. I also think plenty of time for code review and audits are essential.
I wonder if we need to know here’s folk creating this, real names etc. Here are the auditors, real names etc. are all needed to push the boat from the quay? I mean, to launch, know everything (unless it’s simple and can be audited, like bitcoin) and release?
Hey, just joined recently. Still haven’t bought any tokens or anything. I am very anti-blockchain, but at the same time I appreciate the advantages in the tech, I just don’t think it’s a viable option or better than existing options (like VISA), particularly given the climate challenge we’re facing.
Safe appeared when I was reading an IEEE article on AT2 (Asynchronous Transfers) as a viable alternative to consensus and then found you guys planned to use it on your network. Everything sounds great but something that put me off is seeing how many people are invested in Bitcoin.
If you believe in the project, why buy an inferior token at a massively inflated price? Not judging, it isn’t aimed at traders or anything just asking from an investment perspective.
It is a contradiction in a lot of our beliefs I think. There is currently a lot of debate in the whole space about how dirty bitcoin is and I’ll leave that alone and just say if something can do more with less (more efficient) then it should be seriously considered as a replacement. One of the many reasons I support the Safe Network.
Personally, any investment in bitcoin is just to ride the wave and hopefully cash out at a hefty profit and put more capital to work for Safe Network.
For my personal approach, I consider it a necessary evil but that doesn’t mean it’s objectively justifiable.
Aside from your concerns I think you’ll be super pleased with the progress here on the CRDT (conflict free replicated data type), AT2, and DBC (Digital Bearer Certificate) fronts! Please do stick around and join in on the upcoming test nets and read through some recent dev updates.
First of all, both of these assertions are quite subjective. Also, MAID is bought with BTC (and also lives on the BTC network), so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to find some degree of overlap there.
Now a team of Google researchers has published a proposal for a radical redesign that throws out the ranking approach and replaces it with a single large AI language model—a future version of BERT or GPT-3. The idea is that instead of searching for information in a vast list of web pages, users would ask questions and have a language model trained on those pages answer them directly. The approach could change not only how search engines work, but how we interact with them.
So instead of going to independent websites, you’d use a google-owned proprietary AI-bot … and you would trust that it was actually trained with the original data. Yeah, no. This is a leap in centralization.
Yeah lots of dangers there, that’s for sure. I just found it interesting that something as central and fundamental as web search could be in for a complete overhaul.
I try and rephrase the situation and reverse it, how would they like their personal messages between them and family collected and searchable via a google search engine that the public can use and they cannot.
You’d get the age old arguments of
you can trust us if not then who do you trust
when we collect and look at your private messages it is done by a very limited number of people.
and similar.
On the surface these may seem reasonable, but when viewed rationally, they are wanting to see every innocent person’s private messages which is not what their arguments cover. The basis of western society is that everyone is innocent of crimes until proven guilty or enough proven reason is there to investigate.
In the past it has always been targetted surveillance on people who are suspected (being investigated) of major crimes and society has tolerated this as the balance between security and privacy. But this mass surveillance is nothing like that and being introduced basically in secret without public awareness of what they are actually doing or public discussions with the ability to direct the government policy by the public. Typically this is done via senate/upper house/??? public consultation and reviews
LiteCoin is adopting mimble-wimble (spelling?) … and ethereum and even bitcoin have proposals to add anonymity features. So whether the governments like it or not more and more anonymity is coming I think.
From one of the founders of probably one the most non-sensationalist and informative free sites around. Some of the interviews here are extremely interesting on a whole range of topics very related to the SN.