This latest crash has been nicknamed “Fud Bath” for a good reason, that provably false, factually incorrect DeFi100 media hit job was one of quite a few highly questionable news stories coordinated for release in a short window of time as the market was panic selling.
Once the SN is live it will attract its share of FUD as well. Hopefully we have enough savvy social media community to push back. As this case demonstrates: it can get brutal out there.
Apple has Apple Pay and is obsessed with their proprietary tech and getting people locked into their ecosystem. PayPal, google wallet, etc hasn’t really been deemed a threat or missed opportunity so one can only assume they see where this is going and must participate in the cryptocurrency payments system in some way that is easier or more innovative than competitors.
That’s a really good question. I think it would mean being able to use existing crypto currencies since those have traction and network effect. They have to realize they won’t be able to out crypto, crypto, in general. So ability to purchase and store crypto currencies in the apple wallet via Apple Pay etc.
If they create their own I 100% think it’d flop and they would end up repurposing it for the former scenario I’m speculating about. Again, I think they’re smart enough to know this though.
It’s hard to see if this will make things easier or harder for us. People will become aware of all of this and brands like Apple will really compete with us by reducing complexity but at least people will kind of “get it”.
On the other hand people become acquainted and comfortable with something it can be hard to get them to pivot.
The public are now allowed to think it was man made.
We are not allowed to think or talk about issues without the permission of the general media and social platforms and this is one massive obvious example.
They have got out of control. The thing is, they know if they do nothing, they will get regulated and split up instead… if the government has the balls for that fight, that is.
It feels like one set of tyrants or another though. One you can refuse to use, but don’t get to vote on. The other you can’t refuse to use, but only get a token vote for an establishment party the former wants.