I see it is time to sell Gold and buy Btc with this news.
JP Morgan says…
What gave it away?
Exactly. This is 99% fake news IMO. If it were true, it would imply collusion as institutionals don’t panic dump - they plan and maneuver.
Saylor and Musk claim they haven’t sold either.
Saylor has bought close to 25% more.
Love you for always Kentaro Miura RIP Berserk Author
Link rot and content drift
If you go back to NY Times articles from 1998, 72% of the hyperlinks will be broken.
Windows and Chrome OS both supporting Linux GUI and CLI apps. The latter has also supported android apps for a good while too. Interesting convergence.
The year of Linux on the desktop?
Morpheus Turns a CPU Into a Rubik’s Cube to Defeat Hackers
University of Michigan’s Todd Austin explains how his team’s processor defeated every attack in DARPA’s hardware hacking challenge
Handy historic bitcoin market graphic.
Imagine the mugs doing an ICO in 2014
I wonder what the effect would have been, if MaidSafe had raised a lot more funds (like Ethereum for example). It’s not clear that it would have been a good thing!
Everything is an illusion including time. Maidsafe is timeless hand of God. It is all spelled out in anagrams I found out of can I send a message to myself from future?
I.T. creates US to create I.T.
That is is usually why larger organisations have small focused mostly self governing and independent teams working on whatever falls into their problem domain/scope. Currently we have one core team working on one (pretty big) problem domain, but if there had been extra IPO money then off the top of my head I could name a few extra domains where an extra team or three would reduce the risks to the project not achieving goals. For example a browser team. Another engineering team to make sure there are easy ways for people to onboard and bridge onto the SN without begging a CEX. I have grave concerns about some aspects of this new Internet Computer project, but their Endorphin project is right up our alley: Being banned by Apple or Google app stores is a huge open risk going forward - they have banned apps for way less that what the SN will deliver. Also a team to start on the possibly massive problem domain: distributed computation, which would have fed back into the core protocol teams work making APIs to support what was necessary.
Extra teams would have been too much work for David? While we are dreaming of what could have been done with extra IPO money - an extra manager would have freed him up to do what he does best.
With luck the market can quickly deliver all these extra components in a distributed way after launch, and no one or group of them become so powerful and necessary that they can influence the project to follow their own sole vision or fork away and take a majority of nodes with them. That raises another question: When distributed computation dev groups want to make core API changes to support their work, and browser dev groups need upgrades to some other core infrastructure, but node farmers are divided on the impacts it might bring… how are we going to get upgrade consensus? So maybe add in there another team to work on an acceptable governance system that covers at least upgrades, perhaps.
Forum poll?
No crypto currency will be greener than SNT
Anyone been following the DeFi100 mess?
Just one more reason to do away with intermediaries, decentralized or not.
The fact the story broke with an amazing it’s all a scam and the price dropped 25%. Not to zero but 25%, so folk still bought it. It’s clear issue and shows the “when moon” crowd really have to accept this is the tax they must pay. It’s like all the (apparent, not real) anarchists too that want to announce “ok class action suit” when it all goes wrong.
These projects are dangerous, when it’s all money for nothing then IMO it deserves to fail. Folk are starving, we don’t need money for nothing, we need value.
It’s not clear if it’s a scam yet I think:
Could be someone who hacked the website is buying.