Please, tell me safecoin will have fees
No need for fees.
A timeout if you try to send to many transactions too fast, or some pow type thing has been discussed to stop just such attacks.
Not sure where we landed on the issue, but it won’t be an issue for the network.
Odd that your post shows a solution like lowering bandwidth, because as soon as I read that I knew it would cause more problems, not a well thought out plan.
it may be obvious for you, but it isn’t for me: Which network is essentially halted?
The US also banned gold in the past.
Personally, I think you overestimate the power of the state. When you start trying to squeeze billion dollar industries, presidents start getting assassinated. You can argue that states are subject to money and corporations, not the other way around.
If they start trying to print their way out, while banning alternatives, it won’t end well for the states that try it. It will just cause more people to abandon the currency and fiat will hyperinflate to worthlessness.
Arguably, bitcoin is now a bet against fiat money and even gold. While it may also be in a bubble, that doesn’t materially change this situation. I think people underestimate how precarious the financial system is getting. When the global reserve currency starts going a bit Weimer Republic, unprecedented things unfold.
Of course, spreading wealth between asset groups is a good idea. Many would argue a bunker and rations are too, but I suppose it depends how far you take it. Given China will certainly want to push the knife in and twist it, I’m not sure the US will be able to do much about it. Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to war.
Looks like Railblocks?
This doesn’t even include off budget debt. Sad.
Do you think any metal mining company is better asset to hold than another?
I was looking at Polymetal this week, I really need uk denominated shares to make use of isa tax advantages.
Also looked at gold backed stocks, but they seem on downward trajectory, so I’m thinking wait a bit before boarding that train.
I’ve owned and sold Canasil Resources over the years. They will stay low and then spike nicely. CNSUF
Nano, formerly known as railblock is the halted network
$ denominated, so no point putting in an isa ( or so I’ve read ).
Have to be £ denominated to avoid the taxes ( again, or so I’ve read ).
Never held an isa before.
Actually made me laugh out loud
I admit NFTs are weird and I don’t get it. The Culture Creators clearly are pushing them.
There is solution even for Nano, while it is not all finished yet. They use PoW for a sender with increasing difficulty if network is saturated. This already work, while It might be upgraded. The thing not yet done is to deal with increasing size of Blockchain history. But this is problem for many projects and SafeNetwork can be place where light nodes could store it. I was showing to mine friend how fast it is yeasterday, and I was surprised why it takes few seconds to confirm. Now I see it was under haevy spam attack, but mine friends did not notice any delay.
This system goes nation wide in China next year.
As they mention at the end, few are willing to criticize the system … as public criticism of CCP policy is met with a very heavy hand. This isn’t China moving toward totalitarianism though as they’ve been at that stage since Mao … this is the CCP increasing it’s awareness and ability to control. I fear the consequences for the people of China will be dire.
On ‘western’ shores, this social credit system is also being adopted, but via big tech oligopolies. It’s a less unified system for now perhaps, but the governments are becoming ever more totalitarian and moving in the direction of the CCP, IMO … hence those at the top of the political pile want to work with big tech to drive this forward in the west.
I hope that the Safe Network will help to break this control mechanism.
The scary thing is who defines what is ‘good’ behaviour? This is exactly the sort of thing that shouldn’t be defined centrally, especially without democracy, but should instead be distributed and emergent.
While I fear for the freedoms of individuals trapped in such a system, I also doubt it will be productive in the long run. Behaviours which are emergent, will tend to be inspired and creative. Indoctrination will have the opposite effect, as people will just follow as automatons. As creativity is what drives humanity forward, this seems a rather bleak prospect.
As a biologist I think of this in terms of evolution - Nature determines the “good” behavior for all life … but Nature is cruel and arbitrary (maybe all selective forces are as well!). Life’s answer to Nature is the interesting part though - in order to survive, it has developed genetic diversity - running Trillions upon trillions of simultaneous experiments in, what so far has been, a successful attempt to thwart Natures despotism.
In the same manner as Life has developed genetic diversity, I think it makes perfect sense for humanity to engage in an much cultural diversity as possible as well. In fact I think historically we did - living as separate tribes, with unique ways and languages - and it’s only the advent of particular technology (IMO, mostly fiat currencies) used by some to control others that has driven the homogenization of the globe. Not that there is ever any perfect society or culture - it’s simply that via mass diversity, no one group can spin the globe out of whack.
I’ll end this like I did my last post - I hope that the Safe Network will help to break this control mechanism.
We agree there I think - although as another biologist, I know from our previous posts that I have some bio-socio-political differences with you but I suspect we are on the same general page - and we certainly agree about the critical importance of SN for the future.
Would you be interested in a Telegram Group Audio chat re some of this stuff? - I think it would be quite an interesting discussion for myself and others!
I think you are a Yankee but currently living in Tasmania? - I am on Sydney time.
How about this for a discussion topic:
“Can the SN help prevent H. sapiens from self-extinction (along with most of the world’s other species) in the near term?”
See here for my background:
Nice to see this enemy of the Bolivian people being made to answer for her crimes.