What’s up today? (Part 1)

I hope I didn’t sound like I was making any point that goes against what you say there @Traktion, I certainly didn’t mean to. My point was that it is sad that the crypto space is so hypey and snake-oily, and that I fully sympathise with people saying “no, not interested until you prove it”, it’s a very reasonable response.

My Rust beginnings are coming along very slowly but I am looking forward to when I can look through the code half-following myself one day, thanks for continuing to share your thoughts as you progress with that. Like waving a carrot in front of a donkey.



GIRFUY Trumpers

When a partnership with McDonalds, Team @MaidSafe ???


Greggs don’t have the delivery infrastructure to deliver yum-yums to all the home-working devs. #sad


Never liked Hacker News, to be honest. They often seem an incredibly self-righteous but willfully ignorant lot. When asked to research their positions or look at countervailing evidence, they tend to plug their ears and scream.

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I think we’ve all seen these one-way ‘partnerships’ in the crypto space. As above, I am glad Maidsafe are not interested in fake relationships to boost their or the Safe Network’s profile.

When I was reading about Arweave, I noticed lots of mentions of teaming up with the Internet Archive. There are several comments about this in Arweave articles (or those written by their partners), but I couldn’t find anything formal from Internet Archive on Google and certainly nothing linked from said articles. The closest I found was this tweet:

So, they’re using Internet Archive APIs to take backups? Presumably, anyone can do that, given said APIs appear to be public?

Perception is reality? Hmm…


I understand a lot of people say they don’t care about privacy in the context of Facebook, Google etc, but I suspect the issues are more complex. Here’s an interesting result just as the EU set out plans for digital vaccine passports:


Safe Network could provide a lot of solutions here while providing ultimate trust and security - leaving control fully in the hands of the individual. Many ways it could be done too I suspect.

I only question whether governments will be interested in the level of privacy and security of Safe … I suspect they are in it for the power and control - and they won’t get that with Safe.


Is it just me or are the words “expects” and “about” doing some heavy work here?


The WY SF0038 DAO Bill Passed. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization Supplement got voted into law today! Effective July 1, 2021

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I have the resources to support another charity campaign (besides the one for Boyanka) - Dare 2 Care for care and treatment of abandoned street animals (cats and dogs) and I started to spread posters in the residential entrances:



@Dimitar did those you tubers ever publish that episode with you being interviewed?

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The episode has not been published yet, I think it will be live, but it turned out to be a recording. I will post a link when they post it :dragon:


Sweet, thanks. Looking forward to seeing your evangelism in action :slightly_smiling_face:

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I spoke for 1 hour about Safe, but it is in Bulgarian. I’ll see if I can provide subtitles :lol:


Not sure about this one, but novel at least:

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