IMO, if they are going to do that, they should aim for at least what google fiber is already providing - 1Gbps. IMO, kind of a waste of the time and effort otherwise. Not that I support governments doing anything - as it’s the people’s value that’s being taken at the point of a gun to fund it all and not everyone willingly consents.
I added an automatic translation of the weekly news and shared it in Twitter and Facebook:
You’re a champion @Dimitar !!
Thank you friend, the work is annoying, but it gives a social signal - something is happening here - and maybe it will attract the right eyes at the right time
The exciting bit was that upload was equal to download speed. The fact even a senator is talking about it (would be part of infrastructure which is long overdue for an update) is slightly encouraging. Of course I think a decent amount of us agree with you but I also don’t see Google giving the whole nation fiber for free. The government won’t for free either because it will tax the crap out of everyone and progress is slower than molasses anyways but if there is one that was more likely, I’d say government.
For those of you using the Brave browser (and if not, WHY not?) your monthly Brave rewards are ready.
Click up on the right of the URL bar
and send your Brave as a tip to will use it wisely on our behalf.
My friend in Kansas City has Google Fiber and he says it’s 1Gbps both ways. Once SN is up we are going to set up a small farm using it
Sure, nothing is for free, but not everyone needs it either. Governments won’t tax for this in the end - they’ll just print more money and devalue everyone. I’m of two minds about it really - on one side I’m morally opposed to theft, but on the other I think fiat destruction will drive people away from using it … but still this sort of thing really hurts the poor much more than anyone else - and I don’t think the cost/benefit for the poor comes close to making it worthwhile for them.
Just seen this pop up on fb, very similar to sn, but being funded by them selling boxes that are the nodes.
I take it back, not very similar, but allowing distributed apps, computing.
What a great idea buy something that can be deleted after you bought it.
I thought the tweet selling thing was mental. Now I know it is.
Lol, I wondered if that idea would blow up. Interesting and novel but kinda silly.
okay - today i wasn’t able to stop myself from ordering 2 raspberry pi’s … [first time in all the years i follow this project that i buy hardware specially for SAFE]
since the pi4 is pretty powerful (and i really have the feeling i’m seeing a light on the horizon) i wanted to be a bit prepared and thought i’d do some tests …
my plan is to do some tests with automated managing of network nodes through saltstack and collecting data of different configurations
- testing difference in performance when running native vaults on them vs. trying to run one/more containers on a pi4
- difference in performance wifi vs. ethernet (i don’t really like wifi … but having a stack of multiple rpis just somewhere in the appartement without wiring everything up would be pretty cool nonetheless if the influence on performance would be neglectable …)
- difference in performance those rpis vs. laptop vs. desktop pc (maybe vs. VServer)
- difference in performance using its own sd card vs. mounting a NAS
we’ll see if i manage to find the time to do those tests a bit systematically (when testnet ; ) … if i manage to do so i might share the results …but my spare-time is extremely limited lately so please don’t expect me to succeed in really doing those tests and sharing results …
I stumbled over this from October 2020. The entire premise that permanent data storage is new and that SAFE is contract based shows the depth of the analysis done…
Filecoin’s economic model mirrors that of centralized cloud providers: contract-based storage . Contract-based storage can be more simply thought of as a pay-as-you-go model. Users pay a network of nodes that store X bytes of data for Y period of time with Z retrievability guarantees. Storj, Sia and SAFE use the same model.
I also see that Multicoin are listed as partners on the Arweave home page. Good to see such great, objective, independent, journalism here.
I scan read through the yellow paper on the Arweave site and it wasn’t entirely obvious how the data was stored. There seems to be a centralized gateway, using regular DNS and such, which offers some sort of app capability. Compared to the excellent SAFE Network Primer, which details the novel technology, it seemed a bit thin on the ground.
Anyway, the article… enjoy!
Ethereum is headed for the throne of Bitcoin - this is the only reason for the burning of tokens.
Storing value is more valuable than anything else put together at this stage, and people are interested in that.
Mankind is facing an unprecedented problem with the printing of money and a solution will be chosen - many bet on Bitcoin, many on Ethereum, I bet on Safe
And this is why we need MaidSAFE instead of the Web. They don’t have DDOS attacks, instead you make money every time someone accesses a chunk of a resource, and the kademlia tree hides the hosts’ IP after one hop so the network and hosts can’t be taken down easily. Very different from Tor. is the best project to come out of the “Web3” space. If you heard of freenet, this is like freenet 2.0
PS: Why the massive silent downvotes? This platform actually solves the problem and many others HN constantly correctly complain about. But when posted, you prefer to ignore it. (Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with them in any way. In some ways they are a competitor to Qbix and Intercoin but I give credit where it is due.)
That’s mad, they’re practically frothing at the mouth there!
While saddening, I think it’s understandable given the amount of utter drivel being spouted by crypto companies popping up and advertising their way into taking people’s money for years on end now. It’s hard to imagine anything other than groundbreaking testnet functionality swaying the minds of these developer types. They’ve seen the new internet type language mangled into all conceivable shapes at this stage.
The crypto sphere in general though and their apathy towards the space there, is real. It’s like whichever new flashy project manages to generate enough hype in the quiet times gets flooded with newcomers’ money come boom time, then quiet times, reboom times, advertising nonstop all hunting for newcomers’ easy money when the boom comes back. In the meantime nothing really new since Bitcoin (unless I’ve missed something?) and the Safe Network continues to inch closer to the next revolution in the space. Influencers, coin owners make a killing, as well as a few lucky and/or skilled speculators, while nothing of value is created, at least it seems this way from the outside.
I look forward to those people jumping in with new eyes when they see something to shock them out of their jaded state, it will be an exciting moment.
To be fair, many of us here feel the same way about the crypto space too. It can feel like a den of get rich quick money schemes, with investors frequently deceived by nothing more than a basic ‘white paper’ and some glossy PR.
For those completely outside the space, I can well imagine that they would consider Maidsafe and Safe Network in a similar light. However, I believe Maidsafe have done their upmost to avoid being sucked into the unpleasant side of crypto and have remained the moral guardians of this project. If it were any other way, this community wouldn’t be patch on what it is today and nor would the product.
This is a reminder that the project needs to be beyond reproach to embrace the wider dev community. The marketing needs to reflect these core values, as I’m sure this community will continue to do. People will think the worst, until convinced otherwise.
Safe Network is a tour de force by the Maidsafe team and contributors. The technologies chosen and the quality of the code base will speak for themselves. With each line of code I read and understand, my admiration grows for what has been achieved here. I’m certain others will see this too, once the proof of these endeavours can be witnessed by all.