Update 11th July, 2024

Quick one this week as we continue to observe the effects of the changes made in the latest beta which went live on Monday. It’s looking good so far. We’ve had a great reaction, and already have tens of thousands of nodes live :muscle: (sorry, haven’t got the latest numbers to hand). Thanks to everyone who has rolled their sleeves up and got involved.

A summary of the changes can be found here.

New team members

To make sure we get over the finish line we’re delighted to welcome two new team members: Aaron is a cybersecurity expert who will be making how-to videos and documentation and helping answer support tickets on Discord, and Mick, a software engineer who is currently working on our wallet security.

Beta v2 instructions

For new joiners and current beta testers who haven’t reset their nodes yet, here’s what to do.

If you are using the Node Launchpad, download the latest version and run it.



Linux ARM:

Linux x86-64:

Reset your nodes with Ctrl+R, type ‘reset’ and hit enter. Then reboot your device, start Node Launchpad and start some new nodes with Ctrl+G.

If you are using the CLI (Node Manager) you can find the full list of commands for resetting your nodes on GitHub. However, please remember this option is not officially supported, so it’s community support only.

Don’t forget to add the --owner argument to add in your Discord Username each time you add a new node. Also leave an interval of at least 2 seconds when starting each node to keep your system happy.

Any nanos earned across either the old or update Network version will be recorded, so you won’t miss out.

We are about to initiate a seamless transition over to an upgraded Network. It won’t affect the ongoing beta rewards program (every nano will still count and be counted!).

General progress

@anselme updated security checks to work with the latest refactor of transactions, worked on a design for sn_api, and implemented a double spend prevention measure. @roland is also working on testing in this vital area.

Talking of refactoring @qi.ma has been reworking the spends code to make spends lighter and simpler.

@bzee continues his journey down the rabbit hole of home-node connection issues, and the possibly related topic of why some nodes are not earning nanos. Some issues may have to do with very conservative relay server limits, so he’s looking to experiment there.

@chriso has been working hard on automating releases and making the process run more smoothly. We should now be in a position to have a release ready every two or three weeks up until launch.

@mazzi upgraded the discord bot to work with the new network’s DAG. He also fixed a bug that was causing bot messages to be published on Discord.

And @shu Investigated higher CPU usage on the new release as reported by the community.


First, great work team :grinning:


First…at last…


On the box! ;))))

A warm welcome aboard! This is certainly a great support for the team, cyber security is written into the DNA of this project, so we couldn’t get better specialists :ok_hand: :grinning:

Great recognition of the team’s continuous efforts :clap: :clap:

I hope for better quality, because after the last update at my place nothing has changed, Launchpad still doesn’t allow me to launch nodes, and after update Safenode-manager and after resetting nodes still don’t show earnings, and resource consumption is still high.But well… I’m betting on patience :blush:

No Safe, no wave.


Seems missed out by some NANOS…nanoseconds…ha…ha…ha…


Almost Xavier_Prince, on the photo finish…


Thanks to all team & community members – as well as network participants, for pushing the dream forward this week. Go :ant: !!!

cheers :beers:


Thanks so much to the entire Autonomi team for all of your hard work and progress! :man_factory_worker: :man_factory_worker: :man_factory_worker:

And good luck to everyone with your beta rewards!


Welcome Aaron! Great update. Does this seamless transition mean no more resetting nodes, like a realtime update of the entire network?


Any chance of looking into and fixing this bug with uploading a directory? It’s pretty serious in itself and is blocking my release. @chriso said he would find out status but every time I ask there’s been no response - for weeks now.

Sorry for short reply, busy atm but this seems not to be getting any attention


Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs

Welcome Aaron and Mick (always good to see new super ants join).

Nice to see the faucet v0.4.30 added again, imco it’s the best distribution model even better than an exchange.

Is anybody else running nodes on AWS and Azure, wonder what would be the optimum node setup.

My home nodes shut down daily, can’t tell if it’s my isp…

Keep coding/hacking/testing super ants


Great Update, thanks to all the team for their hard work and I’m sure long hours getting this upgrade up and running.

Warm welcome to Mick (@mick.vandijke) and Aaron (@rusty.spork) from the community and myself. Hope your time with Maidsafe is fruitful and satisfying. What an exciting time to join.

Is that there? I thought for the time being there wasn’t supposed to be one @Nic_Dorman @joshuef
Maybe @happybeing can jump on this and get some tokens before its removed hehehe


i think the price increase is even more excessive in the current network

my jackpot node got 570 nanos for a single chunk

(i’ve uploaded logs to the bug-reports channel) <<< just a quote … my bad … i’m getting a new report with different logs … 158 nanos paid …


Today is your 10th anniversary! :clap: :clap: :clap: Congratulations, your perseverance will probably be rewarded, all the best not only from Autonomy! :point_left: :crossed_fingers: :ok_hand: :blush:

Good luck! :beers:

No Safe, no wave.


You need to give me a bit of time please, I get lots of these requests. I got a response to your query today and I posted it in the other thread.


I wasn’t hassling you but letting you know that I have raised this question several times before without a response.

Thanks for getting one for me and good to know it is regarded as high priority.

I’m not being critical of you here - I see you have been put on the front-line and are also working on things most people don’t see.

I understand you and the team are very busy but out here it feels like there is a big reduction in communication and I’m personally experiencing issues I raise not being responded to or left unfinished. Maybe that’s inevitable, but we don’t know if we’re not told so it creates issues itself.

I’d like to say more about how it looks from out here but I don’t think it would be helpful. Maybe that’s a good enough way to put it!

Thanks again for following through.


Sure, no problem. Just know that when people ask me these questions, I put them on a list, and I review my lists every day, so they don’t get lost. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time to get to them. I need to also sometimes balance the timing of the questions a bit, because I don’t want to be like constantly bugging the other devs like a wasp and bombarding them questions.


Thanks Chris, that’s how I would work too so it is very reassuring.

Unfortunately that isn’t how everyone on the team works, and we/I also don’t like to keep bugging whoever it is that has said they will respond/do X etc, but it seems we have to in most cases.

I appreciate your diligence and explanation. :pray:


Keep up the great work, team! The quietness shows how busy everyone is with beta testing and more. I hope the reward scheme setup isn’t taking up too much of your time. I’m confident, and I’m sure the community is too, that you’ll clear those backlogs and move forward on the roadmap. I can’t wait to see the Autonomi use cases and what’s brewing with new partners!