anyone else having a play with the safenode-manager yet ?
think iv got a local test net up with the command safenode-manager run --count 250
250 nodes online and faucet is online
Node started
PeerId is 12D3KooWSbgm83tvTqw2wEJkKrw7CfumqLfV2QqLiC7CsTa4RrQw
You can check your reward balance by running:
`safe wallet balance --peer-id=12D3KooWSbgm83tvTqw2wEJkKrw7CfumqLfV2QqLiC7CsTa4RrQw`
RPC Server listening on
Launching the faucet server...
Logging to directory: "/root/.local/share/safe/test_faucet/logs"
⠂ Connecting to The SAFE Network... 🔗 Connected to the Network Loading faucet...
Loading faucet wallet... "/root/.local/share/safe/test_faucet"
Faucet wallet balance: 1288489588.500000000
Genesis claimed!
Starting http server listening on port 8000...
only problem im having is i cant get any coins out the faucet
root@AERO:~# safe --peer "/ip4/" wallet address
Logging to directory: "/root/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-01-27_10-37-58"
Built with git version: 6b3573a / main / 6b3573a
root@AERO:~# safe --peer "/ip4/" wallet get-faucet
Logging to directory: "/root/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-01-27_10-38-16"
Built with git version: 6b3573a / main / 6b3573a
Instantiating a SAFE client...
Connecting to the network with 1 peers
🔗 Connected to the Network Requesting token for wallet address: a1e384ebbdd327780d3c96a43ff2aa3fd3b80e8e3f59101a8e053d5eacd94e526805213d1e21115aa4082effe901428e
received request! method: Get, url: "/a1e384ebbdd327780d3c96a43ff2aa3fd3b80e8e3f59101a8e053d5eacd94e526805213d1e21115aa4082effe901428e", headers: [Header { field: HeaderField("accept"), value: "*/*" }, Header { field: HeaderField("host"), value: "" }]
Loading faucet...
Loading faucet wallet... "/root/.local/share/safe/test_faucet"
Faucet wallet balance: 1288489588.500000000
Failed to send tokens to a1e384ebbdd327780d3c96a43ff2aa3fd3b80e8e3f59101a8e053d5eacd94e526805213d1e21115aa4082effe901428e: Transfer Error Failed to send tokens due to The transfer was not successfully registered in the network: CouldNotSendMoney("Network Error GetRecord Query Error RecordNotFound.").
Failed to get tokens from faucet, server responded with: "Failed to send tokens: Transfer Error Failed to send tokens due to The transfer was not successfully registered in the network: CouldNotSendMoney(\"Network Error GetRecord Query Error RecordNotFound.\")."
so close yet so far !!