I was finally able to run a node, now that no invitation on discord is required anymore.
Once everything was out, I started a node on my NAS on Wednesday and it was running since then.
What puzzles me, though, is that the reward balance as displayed in safenodemanager is “-”.
Whole output:
The ‘Reward Balance’ from the safenode-manager status --details command doesn’t work!
Best way to check if you are earning is to look at your address on Arbiscan.
This is the page that shows the contract the network is doing payments from where you can see all the payments going out:-
But even better than that - put your address like 0xd1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX into the search box at the top right. That will show you all the payments made to your address and the balance.
Hm, Arbiscan yields zero yield as well (no transactions visible).
Is that to be expected?
FWIW: I started a node via launchpad on my desktop and since this morning it accumulated 10 Attos. The payment address was the same as for the node on my NAS. So should I see those 10 Attos on https://sepolia.arbiscan.io ?
I haven’t accumulated many ANT by my node running, but some. I’m not showing any token receipt either. I’m running my node on Formicaio, which makes it really easy. Not sure if that makes any difference, but it shouldn’t
Indeed, sorry, for the confusion.
But still, the oldest transaction I see is from 5 hours ago.
Apparently, the node I started a few days ago didn’t yield anything.
Meanwhile, I ran node-launchpad on my NAS and that somehow moved the existing node to the internal disk. But the node ID appears to be the same, so I hope the node configuration didn’t change.
Having stopped the node on my desktop, I’ll observe if the node on the NAS will now yield transactions as well. Thanks for your input!
5 by the existing node and 18 by a newly created additional node.
When checking the transaction list on arbscan, I see at half the amount of attos being transferred.
I’m not entirely sure, but it could be that only the transactions for the first node are listed.
Is this even possible? Related: Is the number of “Attos Earned” in the TUI supposed to be correct? In that case, there is definitively something wrong, because those 23 Attos are more than what I see in the transaction log at all.
Also, is there a way to see which node earned which transaction?
I think the Launchpad will be affected by the issue I’ve been banging on about here:-
just as much as Vdash is or searching for the string Total payment of AttoTokens in the logs.
Counting up all the attos I’m supposed to have earnt according to what the nodes have logged with this message would give more than 400. There are only 260 on chain though.
If I get the energy later I’ll start up a node on Launchpad on Mac and see if it’s the same behaviour.
Bottom line is I don’t think we can trust the attos being counted by anything at the moment except what is shown on the ETH address. But if a node is apparently earning in LP then it is good. If it doesn’t split out the attos earned per node and just gives a total for all node that isn’t useful for determining which nodes are working. But if the Firewall rules are appropriate for all then they should be.
Its almost certainly similar as the fault before where the node reported the forwarded balance two or more times because it tried to forward the amount multiple times. This time it’ll be thinking it was paid multiple times. Actually the forwarded balance issue was possibly the node thinking it was paid multiple times
For the last few months I earned rewards, however since about seven days there are no more transactions on arbiscan.
On Sunday I made sure the latest version is installed. Apparently I was a bugfix release behind.
Did I miss something or is it expected behaviour that there are no rewards for a longer period?
The block you are linking to is on Arbitrum Sepolia not on Arbitrum One. Most likely you’re still on testnet settings. Maybe try to reset the client again?