QuicNet [30/01/24Testnet] [Offline]

Unfortunately I get the same error as in the previous testnet:

PS C:\Users\gggg> safenode
Logging to directory: "C:\\Users\\gggg\\AppData\\Roaming\\safe\\node\\12D3KooWQMgwAMod3uGJvpHmUF27DawFgicA6HFpase2mT7JvHMN\\logs"
Trying to fetch the bootstrap peers from https://sn-testnet.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/network-contacts

Node started

PeerId is 12D3KooWQMgwAMod3uGJvpHmUF27DawFgicA6HFpase2mT7JvHMN
You can check your reward balance by running:
`safe wallet balance --peer-id=12D3KooWQMgwAMod3uGJvpHmUF27DawFgicA6HFpase2mT7JvHMN`

After starting the node, I can’t type any command, I can’t do anything else in this session.


I used Windows Power Shell to launch my node, and while I also couldn’t type a command in the tab I launched the node from, I opened another tab & requested balance & it worked fine.

May be worth trying another tab / window if it’s an option for you.


There actually isn’t an error here. It’s behaving as expected.

The language it uses when it says “Trying to fetch…” could potentially be a bit confusing though, because it doesn’t confirm that it did actually fetch the contacts file.

However, that said, your node is running. It’s a blocking process, so if you want to do something else, you need to use another shell session.

Edit: I just wanted to say, my opinion is that the logging should go to stdout if no logging argument to file is specified. That way you would see the node doing something. It’s not completely obvious that it would be logging to file in the background.


Hmm… this change not worth a mention?

Anyway, I have two nodes running and earning. Uploads are really much much faster as was the faucet too.

I am most interested in seeing if the change to QUIC does anything to the problems my LAN had been having with the previous testnets - meaning my piece of a crap router just saying no.

Well done Maidsafe! :clap: :clap: :clap:


I just started my first machine and rewards appear to be on steroids in comparison to the last network, has anything changed there?
Rewards balance: 0.000000512 10 minutes in.

Another observation is cpu seems to be up a bit, not crazy or issue territory but notable, might settle.


I guess as uploads are going much faster so will earnings.


Fair point, much of the last network was faucet-less so my yardstick is skewed.


CLI folders related to payments, cash_notes and payments have a very low size after a few uploads. Was this so already in the last testnet? Anyway, another reason to :clap:


I understand, thanks for the clarification.

However, in the new session I tried to connect as a client and download the tokens but here I get a strange error:

PS C:\Users\gggg> safe wallet get-faucet
safe : The term 'safe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
 spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ safe wallet get-faucet
+ ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (safe:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Please ask for guidance.


It looks like you don’t have an installation of the safe client. Remember, you can use safeup to get that.

Also, remember you will need to specify a peer to connect to when running safe. You can do that either by using the --peer argument (which you will need for each command you run), or you can set the SAFE_PEERS variable once and it will persist for the remainder of the shell session.


The thing is, I had the client running before, but now I repeated it and tried to download the tokens again, and here comes an even weirder message…

PS C:\Users\gggg> safeup client --version 0.89.29
*                                    *
*          Installing safe           *
*                                    *
Installing safe.exe for x86_64-pc-windows-msvc at C:\Users\gggg\safe...
  [########################################] 7.53 MiB/7.53 MiB                                                          safe.exe 0.89.29 is now available at C:\Users\gggg\safe\safe.exe
PS C:\n-Users_safe.exe> safe wallet get-faucet
Program 'safe.exe' failed to run: operation failed because the file contains a virus or potentially
unwanted softwareAt line:1 char:1
+ safe wallet get-faucet
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
At line:1 char:1
+ safe wallet get-faucet
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (:) [], ApplicationFailedException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandFailed

Now I don’t understand anything anymore.


Well, when I used GPT to translate that error message into English, it looks like this is some kind of warning from the operating system that it’s blocking the use of safe.exe because it considers it to be potentially harmful.

I don’t think we’ve ever seen that before.

What version of Windows are you using?


I corrected the screen, I did not notice that the message was not in English.

I am using Win 10 Pro.


What is the output if you just run safe --version?

PS C:\Users\gggg>  safe --version
safe : The term 'safe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
 spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:2
+  safe --version
+  ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (safe:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Also indicates an error.


I hit the faucet a “fairly fair” 20 times :wink: in anticipation of it throwing it’s toys and others perhaps needing some dough.

1 out of the 20 requests resulted in.

josh@pc1:~$ safe wallet get-faucet
Logging to directory: "/home/josh/.local/share/safe/client/logs/log_2024-01-30_15-10-13"
Built with git version: a15b141 / main / a15b141
Instantiating a SAFE client...
Trying to fetch the bootstrap peers from https://sn-testnet.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/network-contacts
Connecting to the network with 43 peers
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Requesting token for wallet address: b4daa87647f9010766ede59ec3a13dc3214d09838da5a9a14a2f003ae6d5c9fd78543e9b6394fde25f4677a666638885
Successfully parsed transfer. 
Verifying transfer with the Network...
Failed to verify and redeem transfer: CouldNotReceiveMoney("InvalidTransfer(\"GetRecord Query Error NotEnoughCopies { record_key: 88c4bd(1c19166b10f56b2cb229655ec25bb3a89976a0e25502fdc80663dd212b793a88), expected: 5, got: 3 }\")")
   0: Failed to receive transfer due to InvalidTransfer("GetRecord Query Error NotEnoughCopies { record_key: 88c4bd(1c19166b10f56b2cb229655ec25bb3a89976a0e25502fdc80663dd212b793a88), expected: 5, got: 3 }")


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Do you actually have a safe.exe at C:\Users\gggg\safe\safe.exe?

Or has the operating system removed it after deciding it was somehow unsafe?


Upload progress: Uploaded 35.7GB file in 271 minutes and 12 seconds. Around 2.2 MB/s. Fantastic speed!

Unfortunately 66 chunks failed, so no address / filename is given in CLI, and the file can’t be downloaded. I’ll try to re-upload a few times and see how it goes, but initial re-attempts have failed.

Upload / download worked perfectly with an 11mb JPG.


In the safe folder I have the files:

C:\Users\ggg\safe\safenode.exe and C:\Users\ggg\safe\safeup.exe

Whereas safe.exe I don’t have.

You are right, I restarted the safeup client --version 0.89.29
then the safe.exe file appeared in the safe folder, but after running the
safe wallet get-faucet
command, an error appears and the operating system removed again from the safe.exe folder.


Hmm, that’s annoying that it’s marking safe as some kind of malicious file. You might need to look at the Windows firewall or anti-virus settings to add an exception for it. I don’t believe anyone else has ever hit that issue. I was wondering if you were using Windows 11, but you’ve already mentioned you’re on 10.