MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

General crypto seems to be rising not just btc, so market cap of entire crypto market cap feels like it’s indefinitely rising. So Maid will feel indecisive… until its inevitable capitulation to the top, like everything else—and then some, eventually, on its own merit.

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Can MAID be traded on Bittrex? I can’t find the option to do this on my account?

Edit: I found the BTC-MAID pair



Everyone is selling…

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With low prices, I think you get low volume.
I’d like to buy lots, who’s and where is going to give me 100,000 maidsafe for £1000?

I’m not sure I’ll find that deal even at the low price of £0.01

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where is this , its not bittrex

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It’s the global average. Price is not so low on Bittrex

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Chainrift is shutting down, bittrex global is last exchange for maid, if we lose bittrex-game over

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why game over? isnt less liquidity good sometimes for huge spikes in price? Introducing Fleming might interest exchanges even big players, if not when Fleming is live than when Beta, wouldnt be surprised if Binance would contact Maidsafe to add them for free…


It’s only your dreams my friend…

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Wow, this project really can’t catch a break, jeez. Guess I’m sending over some more funds to buy some of it up, not sure how long I can continue to do that though. What I do know is that I’m holding till the network go’s live, here for the network, not the quick money.

Stay strong my dudes!


Thats it rough times out there. I knew it, they dont want maidsafe to launch the safenetwork and they will do everything against it I am 100% sure.

You have to consider they would lose controlle of almost everything if this network launches.
So I am really worried about the Maidsafe team especially about @dirvine


sell it while you can then


I’m not. I’m buying more!


Im not saying to sell…


maybe no reason to panic , maybe its maidsafe who needs cash obviously for the monthly salaries

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What panic friend? This promotion will be redeemed :wink:

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Yikes. This project gives me more heart attacks than my cholesterol has so far


Are you afraid of the COVID-19 (a.k.a the Ninja virus)?

Right now i am more afraid of the project not delivering than the virus :sweat_smile:

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