MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

I don’t fully recall Alpha 1 but 2 was prepared for with press releases and interviews etc the date was just not advertised publicly in advance.


a fair point. I guess I am just hoping since Fleming will be the first iteration of a “real network” they would give us some warning. Like @Sotros25 said we could better prepare to spread the word. Also I think its more healthy if the market gradually adapts instead of having a surprise Fleming pump and dump party.

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At this point we can only speculate, really pushing a weary memory here but if you look at August 2016 you should see a pretty epic spike when alpha 1 hit.


The only living thing that will know is David’s dog, if he has one. That’s what the updates are for. Everyone can make up their own mind. I am Hodling until well after Beta, theta…


I have 2 plus some sheep and chickens :slight_smile: I suspect they know more than they post here :smiley:


We were also surprised with PARSEC which is nearing 2 years ago just to remind everyone how long it’s been.


No need to remind me for sure, it was way too long in happening.


Well, I’ve been called out and I will now quietly show myself the door haha.


no chance we can get a release date on a release date for Fleming? In any case can you confirm/deny if you will announce a release date in advance? Or will the roadmap just gradually all get checked off then one day boom Fleming?

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Fleming will arrive, but then it will be buggy! A couple bugs will be fixed within days. And it will be the most horrible 3 days known to humans. It’ll take 3 years to recover from the horror.


This reply isn’t necessarily directed at you Andy, but it needs to be said that the release date will only be pushed back further if you and others keep bothering dirvine or other devs with questions like these that have already been answered over and over. I’ve only been around this forum a couple years and am becoming more and more annoyed whenever there is a clamor about timelines. I can only imagine how the MaidSafers feel.

So, again, to you and others, here is the timeline for Fleming:

Fleming will be ready when it is ready. The announcement will be released when it is ready to be released. An announcement about when the announcement of when Fleming will be released will be released when it is ready to be released… ad infinitum.

It is impossible to give a timeline prediction that has any value for an endeavor that has never been done before. Nothing is a greater buzzkill than working 80 to 120 hours non-stop to solve a coding issue or prototype something new and awesome only to then have some bystander whine that you took too long. Just like you, I find this to be an exciting project and would love to have a crystal ball to see when the release date is. But we don’t have one and can’t know now. Please help make the forum more productive by not asking again.


There will most likely be testnets before release of Fleming. So there is a type of lead up to Fleming release.

This is based on past experience and like all speculation past performance (methods) are not a guarantee of future test/release methods


This is so true! As we wait for the Network to be delivered, yes some time has passed, so that we have forgotten that we have already asked the same questions, that have already been answered many times before. We are just chasing our tails at this point. My suggestion for all of the somnambulists out there, who have forgotten more than they know, is ask not what David can do for you, but what you can do for David? The way to get this network built and delivered is by lending a hand, even if that means simple encouragement.


ya I get it. They don’t even know the release date so there is no point in asking that, and I have passed that info on to more then a few people asking when it is. Was kinda just joking with that question and maybe should not have mixed it in with my actual question. What I was hoping @dirvine could tell us is if there will be a release date announced in advance at all, or will the last piece just get completed one day and ta da it’s a Fleming?

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This is Lex Friedman (an MIT machine learning researcher & podcaster) talking about Elon Musk’s attitude towards giving timescales. Relevant bit starts at 55:12


So Lex says he doesn’t find it interesting to hear investors trying to figure out what the engineers are up to and pricing it in. Ok fair enough. I also don’t find it interesting to watch the players put on their socks so much as throw the ball in the superbowl. Its not some glorious task I most look forward to in the day at all. It is however a job that needs to be done.


It just seems to be an incremental development type affair so no way to know when the ‘final’ product will out there. For maidsafe to give a timeline could be detrimental but no doubt that has turned lots of people off over the years.

Honestly I have little understanding of the tech myself and do wonder how hard it can bloody be to make this thing happen, but instinctively trust the team and motives of the people behind.

I had vague notion that this project was originally more about storage but now hear more about it being an alternative internet. This forum does seem quite insular and I’ve always felt -maybe through my own fault- that it’s quite hard to scratch the surface or even ask questions as to what this thing is. Bit OT to the discussion but just something I feel.

Going back to original point I understand what your asking but guess it’s just too early still, but pending subsequent development and releases guessing we will know or it will emerge and be obvious.
I am totally on board with at some time strong branding and possibly campaign management being a very important thing for initial traction. I also think even if not crucial (people here etc more then capable) it would be very wise to bring some younger or fresher new guns in to help lead this. Just my 2p obv


Please do ask questions about what this thing is. It can be very difficult to take in all the facets to it, and the implications, but please so ask. There are no dumb questions!


don’t worry you aren’t alone. The dev updates used to have one section I understood: Marketing. Now that that is scraped I still try to read it though but its sorta a struggle. They say they accomplished X technical feat, and I am like um ok was that a major breakthrough or just some little chore completed? I do realize with these kind of things the “little chores” can turn into major sub-projects. Hence it’s hard to really give a time estimate in the middle of it. I was just wondering if there would be a point where they know its close. Maybe that won’t be til like two weeks before, but I hope at some point they are confident to drop a release date. It would really help the rest of the ecosystem avoid a big shock weather is be volunteer marketing efforts or just trying to figure out what price a good buy is.


interested to see what happens when we get some volume on chainrift. That spread is huge. Someone makes a good buy and we are flying. Big sell and whops really should have exited to BTC completely when the chance was there.