MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

Thanks Zoki. This is a great high level picture

And how many people split up their holding into ~50K lots or ~100k lots so that they can use that address as a hot address in the future and not worry about the rest of their holdings

My statement was not one of good/bad or justified/unjustified but just one to explain why there was some movement.

Definitely, it is only routing and nothing like the promised data storage product. We see the significance because it is the fundamentals of the data movement protocols but those who are not following it will see it as pure flag waving of sending messages which they can do with tcp/ip and ignore the significance of it. Even maxwell will be ignored by many, but hopefully more will start seeing the significance.

In my experience workplace products (which are not blockchain) over the last 4 decades have seen beta as a working product being tested to iron out bugs, fix performance issues and ensure the UI is suitable.

Fleming and Maxwell both cannot be considered beta in any sense because they are not MVPs being tested.

Maidsafe will never endorse a pump. Its unethical and not in their make up to do so. (Also against the guidelines to create a pump topic since speculation is limited to this topic)

Thats Poloniex holding account. (oh @Zoki already said that)


Not sure how long CMC has had this scorecard thing going.
MAID got an F.



Looks like a pretty poor measurement from reading their help page. Maybe it would apply well to cookie cutter blockchain apps, but SAFENetwork is a complicated beast to score like this.


That F probably stands for fantastic, fabulous or first-rate :wink:
I see that there is a S, A, B, C and F rate used here:
Reminds me of the One-Punch Man ranking (except the F): Saitama also started with Cā€¦
Now a score of 493 (5th of a lot of Fā€™s), above 500 is a C it seems .


ahhhh so thatā€™s what the real output from $4 billion looks like :man_facepalming:

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Sorry guys, I may have just sparked off a bull run

My bad. I wasnā€™t done accumulating cheap coins


Yo I would say it is realistic its all about time and deliveryā€¦

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Replying to myself hereā€¦ still wondering about that 50,000 number.

MAIDs in circulation = 452,552,412
If you have 50,000 MAIDS then you have 0.011% of the current supply.

Is that enough?

Looking at the UK M1 supply, just the cash in circulation.

Ā£ 1,770,000,000,000 (x-axis is in millions)

0.011% of the UK M1 supply is Ā£ 194,700,000

As a comparison, SAFECoin purchase power wise, this is probably a poor comparison.
Purchase power of your holding depends upon your personal cash out point I think.

But, in comparison with the rest of Maidsafe holders if you have 50,000 Maid you are doing quite well,
imagine if you held 0.011% of the UK M1 supply.

Owning 50,000 might even be a bit overkill.

To those lucky few who have this, and the really early investors who are in at 100,000. Just wow.

edit: I was going to sayā€¦ ā€œConsidering the price rises in bitcoinā€¦ iā€™d say to any holders here, be happy with what ever amount you have,ā€ā€¦ but actually guys, accumulate people, cheap prices now mean lambos laterā€¦ to da moon!!! BTFD!!! #hoddlegang HODL LOL

at $0.13, when are you going to get the chance to get near the 50,000 ownership level?


Donā€™t get too hung up on having ā€˜Xā€™ number. Psychological fatigue from long term hodling is a very real thing (and perfectly natural as well).

If youā€™ve held 100k+ for >5years once you see yourself sitting with 7 figures youā€™ll want to take most of it off the table (again perfectly normal).

All going well a bunch of people here will be confronted with this before the real journey even gets underway.

Funnily enough the little guy who bought in late (or couldnā€™t afford a lot) and is forced to wait a few years longer to reach their target quite possibly ends up at a similar or more advanced destination than your revered 100k (or 50k) guy/girl.

Being a Turtle isnā€™t always a bad thingā€¦


exactly. As it is these are the cheap tickets, and weā€™re all betting on Fleming to work (I think itā€™s a very asymmetric bet, 10% of dropbox mkt cap gives $1/coin and safe will do far more than that).

After that derisking, there are a ton of people/companies/funds who can drop 50K instead of 5, but wonā€™t do it for something with a fundamental technical risk. There is a lot to be said for going in late enough to miss the big risks, but before the herd.


I guess the lesson is, ride out the first market crashes that are due to initial adopters cashing out, much like what happened to bitcoin - man that early crash from the high of $1000 was painfulā€¦

I think it is inevitable for those 50,000 to 100,000 holders to take their gainz.


Iā€™m wondering what the difference is between most of us and these guys. De-risking I think is in the eye of the beholder. For me, I think this is a low risk investment. My risk perspective is, I believe itā€™s a cheap coin, I believe not many people want to buy in, which makes my little stack of fiat chips have promising potential. For me, buying in at the time of a traditional de-risking beta release feels like higher risk.

Iā€™m not sure why people with any experience in the crypto sphere wouldnā€™t have already bought in. This little list I put together is putting fire under my chair, not to wait too much longer before making a larger purchase.

Who said understand what you are investing in first, which should be common sense, but itā€™s tempting just to through money at anything with a positive trend line. With this project, once you understand - you are hooked, itā€™s as clear as mud.

Iā€™m hope these early investors have at least made some purchase. After all, to a millionaire what is $13,000 to buy in for 100,000 coins for a project that demonstrates so much potential. Iā€™m sure more money has been given by VC to startups with only a fraction of the promise and s of existing success.


Unless you are playing it like a roulette, each investment includes two things - money and time. When you have more money, it means you value your time more => you are less likely to spend a lot of time studying every project in deep detail and you rather wait when is more clear, that the project is going to succeed, even if it meants lower profit per every $ invested.


Fleming by 30 June was my punt a while ago and I havenā€™t changed. Canā€™t see it impacting price much because of relationship to Bitcoin price. This needs to change and I donā€™t know what will change it

The price between maid and Bitcoin has varied pretty wildly over the last few years. It has been over 5x higher relative to Bitcoin for much of the last few years.

Just made this post in the other coin threadā€¦

I feel that bitcoin is driving the rise in Maidsafe, and that its not maidsafe traders you are competing withā€¦
Itā€™s the bitcoin traders that might endup pricing you out of sub $0.20 maidsafe tokens.


from 2014 to 2019ļ¼ŒMAID markcap from top 10 to top 84. soon, MAID will be probably out from top 100



MAID has already been outside the top 100 around a year ago, and then got back up into the 40s, I believe, and now fell again some. New projects come up and push MAID down as excitement and investment builds. Then it turns out they are just vaporware, and MAID rises again. The fact that MAID has avoided the catastrophic fall back into the <.02 is actually quite encouraging. There is a pretty steadfast line at .10 which it seems hodlers are not allowing it to sink below.