you really have to understand how Bitcoin works at this stage, to understand the best way to secure Maidsafecoin. As I say in the paste, Maidsafecoin address IS a Bitcoin address. The bunch of bullet points I put in “Step 1” has all the information that I believe is necessary for learning the inner workings of everything, and thus understanding all of how to secure your coins. I have one of my “private key; withdraw” bitcoin/maidsafecoin addresses written down on paper, and put it in a ziplock bag to protect against the elements/flood. Then I can put that code into QT-Bitcoin.exe or (or a number of other options) whenever I want to withdraw—which won’t be until many many months from now, anyway.
For the big rise you talking about compared to btc $ 0,1 to $1000 you better can ref. to the market cap cause that price increase is almost impossible on the safecoin.
Not almost impossible just impossible
Thanks for the update, going to look into it.
Yeah well Safecoin could go to 1 trillion market cap, and then it’d be $1000 per safecoin. Hard to imagine for some, but still could very well happen.
I doubt a trillion will be possible, 35 million is a joke i agree, but a trillion.
With a trillion maidsafe would be i guess the biggest company in the world, my fair estimation is around 20 bn but not before 2020.
But i must agree that it sounds nice $1000 each
Nothing is impossible
Internet is worth $19 trillion isn’t it? Might be worth a lot more in 5 years… I could see safenet grabbing all the traffic… conceivable that it wouldn’t even take that long… $50k safecoins by 2030 when all the global currencies collapse. lolz
Ok, so that’s a best case scenario for an optimist, but not impossible at all if you think about. The formula is there for it to be that big… although obviously things never work out quite how you hoped they would lol. It could also just fail completely or be anywhere in between.
I bet you would have been laughed out of some of the earliest google or facebook meetings if you’d forecast their current values or having many billions of users… and their value proposition isn’t even a fly on the backside of the bull that is SAFE - imo anyway.
/bias ftw
There are some extra additions maidsafe might be great for think about IoT etc.
That can bring great value with it, over 50 bn Iot expected by 2020, might even be more.
I won’t pretend I think it’s likely, but I think it’s possible if the SafeNetwork becomes widely used, and SafeCoin becomes widely used as a transactional currency / store of value in addition to purely a token to buy network resources.
The M2 money supply of the UK is about $2trn, so the utility of SafeCoin would need to be approaching 50% of the utility of GBP, which while unlikely is not impossible on a global scale given time.
One thing is for sure, if it ever gets to anything like this scale, I’d have sold the majority of my stake way before becoming a multi-multi-millionaire
At least you guys make me go home from work in a pretty happy fealing, already bought cards
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So i atleast know what to do with all my millions by 2020
My bag will probably be empty before we get much over a couple of bucks - plenty for my needs - but I’ll be making some accounts for the kids with coin in… just in case!
I’ve no idea either, but apart from the privacy and security aspect the genius of the Maidsafe business model is that it will take resources that cannot currently be monetized (storage, compute, bandwidth) because they are sunk costs on private PCs/connections, resources where demand is and will be high, and giving them a value, or a price that up to now has not existed because it hasn’t been exploited.
AirBnB allows home owners to do this with their flat/house, but a lot of people don’t like the idea of allowing strangers to do the unmentionables in their beds and toilets, plus they can’t offer this resource if they’re staying there themselves. Demand for accommodation has an upper limit. Demand for storage, compute, bandwidth may also, but we are a very long way from reaching it. AirBnB is worth about $30B.
Just remember that if the market cap is 1 Trillion that its not Maidsafe that has the money but the network, the owners of the coins that make up that market cap, and not Maidsafe.
I know that the market cap is the network, but still that wont be ever the case.
Ofcourse it is possible All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization
But that are just dreams i think if you get a network that equils bitcoin at this moment before 2020
you should be really happy.
I have doubts that maidsafe will hit 100$ let alone 1000$ by 2020 too. Nice to dream of course.
1 seems reasonable when the network goes live after the beta versions. Maybe in a decade it will be above 10
Anyhow that is my estimate, as uneducated as it is.
Maid Safe and Safecoin/SAFE Network are two different things. Safecoin is not a company. Safecoin is a currency. Considering the global currency markets are in the hundreds of trillions of US dollars, Safecoin could reach $1,000 USD per coin or $4.3 trillion USD market cap.
Maybe by 2030 or 2040. Render it took the internet a couple decades to catch on.
I know the diffrent between maidsafe/safecoin/safecoin foundation/company
But i think you overestimate the currency market with hunderd of trillions of us dollars
The global currency around the world inc. coins,banknotes, money accounts, savings checks are estimated around 89 trillion.
Only hunders trillion in the world are in Depts (approx 199), and derivatives. (approx 630).
Around 2030 we dont even know what a dollar would be worth so could also be worth 1 million dollar ask Zimbabwe
Safecoin is not a currency. Maidsafe has no relationship to global currency markets. It may be a token used on the Safenet at some point and it can be exchanged for another token or for a real currency. The value of Maidsafecoin/safecoin will be wholly dependent on the value of the safenetwork. If the safenet fails to gain traction there will be no value in maidsafecoin. If the Safenet is wildly successful there is no way the market cap could be forecast because there are too may governmental/ technological influences that would affect its value.
In case you’re interested. Cross-referencing cause off-topic doesn’t show up on the main Page.
Well, that and speculation. Safecoin is a very good cryptocurrency in its own right.
In fact, I worry that Safe will be used primarily for safecoin at first, and the network won’t be designed for mostly safecoin transfers and very few Puts.