You’re doing what’s right for you bro… no shame in that. We all have to stay true to our convictions or we’ll have more to regret later on :).
me too bro
it can weigh heavy some days, others you’re walking on air and buying all the drinks
You’re doing what’s right for you bro… no shame in that. We all have to stay true to our convictions or we’ll have more to regret later on :).
me too bro
it can weigh heavy some days, others you’re walking on air and buying all the drinks
That’s not quite my understanding, diversify yes, but mostly in high risk:
The 20% zero-risk, 80% high-risk portfolio: Noting that advisors will find this principal the most applicable to their field, Taleb detailed his strategy for robust portfolio construction. Rather than selecting an array of medium-risk investments, portfolios should include a small selection of zero-risk investments and allot the remainder to the most diverse selection possible of small high-risk, high-reward investments. Taleb defined zero-risk investments as hedged for inflation and expressed frustration with those who view Treasury bills as safe investments.
Well, in my own way I still hold onto fears that MAID actually won’t become as asinine as a 1 trillion dollar market cap [or even higher]. A single penny would be worth a hundred-some bucks, then. That’s why I hold a stupidly “large”/larger amount, in case that doesn’t come to fruition—which is just my way of saying “hey, I could lose it all,” though I really don’t think I will (cuz I have it in 3 different wallets, and why would MAID/SAFE drop to 0?). But really I can’t see why it won’t reach 1 trillion, eventually. So @Tim87’s method isn’t cutting it too short really… in that way – i.e. if he doesn’t sell. If all that is accurate (maybe he doesn’t think it’ll reach 1 trillion?) then it all balances out. I may decide along the way that I have TOO much money, and just begin massively dumping half of it or whatever.
That’s wrong, though; Taleb says the opposite, and for a reason: it wouldn’t make sense, this way.
From The Black Swan:
[…] you need to put a portion, say 85 to 90 percent, in extremely safe instruments, like Treasury bills—as safe a class of instruments as you can manage to find on this planet. The remaining 10 to 15 percent you put in extremely speculative bets, as leveraged as possible (like options)
EDIT: The idea is that you can lose much of those 10-15%, over and over again; you need to be able to survive longer losing steaks to still be in the game when the jackpot hits – the safe side of the “barbell” is to keep financing these bets, that’s why it needs to be overwhelmingly bigger. But again, I think this only works in this exact form when you have access to a number of optionalities that each has a chance to give returns on the scale of 10,000%
@Tim87 Thanks for the correction!
I don’t know it will reach $1 trillion And, I don’t see a reason why I should believe in anything, when I can just jump on the train when I start seeing things are actually happening. In the meantime, I can put my resources to other use. Not that I have much resources, but isn’t that another reason to make the most of them, instead of just waiting out?
Because you can’t get ahead of the wave by paddling after it, you have to be ahead of the wave if want to catch it. You can paddle in on the wash I guess, but there are very good reasons for trying to figure out the story rather than just reacting to it.
Unless, what you lose by being a tad bit late to the party is offset by what you’ve been doing while everybody was waiting for it to start
Yep, always possible… big difference between 10c bitcoins and $2 bitcoins though… the big factoral jumps require you getting in early. You’d have to make a hell of a lot trading to be further ahead than the guys at the front of any moonship. A lesson I feel like Eth taught me - if i’d held from the start and all the way through I’d have made a lot more. Trading didn’t do me any favours, even though it was all profitable.
That’s mainly why I don’t trade, especially as crypto trades 24/7. The moves are almost always sudden and unexpected and can happen at any time of day or night. Lots of studies also show that buy-and-hold investing produces higher returns (as well as less stress). I also prefer doing other things, even in my free time than staring at prices on a screen.
Yep, I trade very rarely now and usually with a lot more thought and strategy than my whimsical trading last year.
baghodling ftw
/crosses fingers
True. It’s hard to pick the winners ahead of time, though; Wall Street keeps trying so hard, yet it fails over and over again. I’m sure SAFE is a big winner, but “I was sure” would give little comfort if I end up wrong. $2 bitcoins would still mean 300-fold return, so yea I guess that works for me.
I’m not sure. I’ve been experimenting with a stupid simple strategy that can only work on an illiquid cesspool like Polo, and only with smallish volumes. With these restrictions, however, I could make over 5% on a single day when I was trading diligently, and around 2% when I was doing it so-so. Not stressful, but tiring (and let me assure you, there’s a difference between clicking “BUY” or “SELL” for a given price ); I hope my stupid bot gets operational soon. Not a long term solution, but good enough to build some equity for “real” stuff.
Yeah, all just different ways of achieving our goals, all perfectly valid… just as the small stake grinder, the MTT player and the ballar high stake cash player can all be winners with totally different strategies.
It’s hard to pick the winners ahead of time, though
Quite hard… although things like Eth, Iota, maid, fct all seemed like pretty obvious winners (or good bets at least) last year and so far they are all up by between 500% and >5,000%… so not that hard if you’re prepared to spend a few weeks really looking into what they offer and understanding the context they exist in None of those look 1/10th as good as maid long term imo.
Wall Street is more ego than insight. Crypto is also a very different world and a different game.
Anyway, nothing wrong with different styles, who knows who will end up with more regrets, as you say, no way to ‘know’ anything for sure yet. I very much hope we’re all happy because SAFE really changes a lot of things, if we win the world does too, so it’s the kind of gamble I’m very happy to be ball’s deep in. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
just a fun thing I decided to type up. A few errors/lack of details more so in the 1st-ish half.
This is brilliant. Huge thanks!
Thanks. I think there’s some bias in there regarding Omniwallet. I’ve heard of other places similar to Omniwallet, though I imagine they’re all pretty much the same in function. Though, I do like to provide as much variance in information (despite being inclined to bias), so anything new I find out I’ll see about forcing its way into a revised version. (I tend to think I am going to make something way more concise - and assume others know a lot - than what I actually turn out. Yet I ended up spending much more time than I anticipated on the Bitcoin-related information. So, that forcefulness is much needed, when really churning my neurons during the many necessary proofreads.) Anyway, I had a great time writing it, re-teaching and over-teaching myself about Bitcoin technology particularly. Made me realize that there’s quite a huge limitation with Bitcoin between the time of writing down the private key and utilizing it for machine-usage, which is why having Safecoin all on a permanently secured network from the get-go is so appealing.
Great read @Audity thanks for writing that up, I couldn’t have said it better!
(maybe I would choose a different title, that’s all. But your title is catchy, let’s be honest)
Yeah I wrote it for Twitter, and/or people who would care more about the money ‘first’. (I.e. appealing to human nature; but they could be distracted with other life things, hence such a human-nature-grabbing title/paste could startle them out of their initial apathy/unawareness, followed especially as the future moves on with articles being written about SAFE. It also cuts to the chase the fact that if they truly want the best option out there, they must hold indefinitely. It’s literally digital cash, and the most secure place for it in history, so there’s no reason to not hold except when converting it to other moneys for various purposes. I didn’t assure in the paste that people can sell SMALL amounts on the way up, should any unfortunate event happen in their life, but anyone can figure that out. Plus as the paste stands it seems much more stressing the extreme importance of holding indefinitely, so there’s no leniency within it reminding them that, “Oh, well the article said I could sell on the way up, so I’ll just do that instead of learning great patience.”)
Great post and i also believe this rise can happen, ofcourse not to $1000 each but still a nice amount.
I also have the problem that i dont really know how to 100% secure take them off poloniex.
i will read into this soon i guess
You have it correct @EstefanTT. I use to create my addresses but you can also run this offline. You can also verify that no network traffic is happening from any address creator by watching the network activity in your browser dev tools. Then you print out the address that is created (I always print out a couple copies that I can keep in a couple different secure locations just in case). You want both public and private key in the printout. Once done you can safely se…