MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

Sh!tcoins are flying past MAID in marketcap. Another day closer to the Cryptapocalypse.

You forgot inbuilt currency and way of exchange :blush:

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Interesting spike today in MAID price. Could it be due to…

Option 1: Hedgie taking a position? A friend of mine who co-founded a crypto hedge fund last year asked me about Maidsafe the other day. During the conversation he also noted that there’s almost no way for a hedge fund to take a significant position without temporarily moving the market.

Option 2: Anticipation of Alpha 3 news this week?

Option 3: your guess is good as mine… Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts.

Regardless, was great to see MAID price rising even as BTC fell.


Not sure, but I think there are a few whales out there who are patiently waiting to buy lots of MAID on release, and that will move the price up dramatically. Big investors will start to get interested in Safecoin when it reaches over $100, and then it will be a moon ride. Look at it this way, Buffett just got in big with Apple: 75 million shares. Might seem a little late, but not for big money. Big investors need to see more than just the pudding, they want a mouth full of proof. MAID will soon deliver something tasty.


Tbh it’s quite likely Mr Pierce or another of the original Mastercoin fraternity doing their thing. There have been a couple of smallish P&D in recent months in a similar vein.

If SAFE is ever over $100 dollars I will personally fly out to Scotland and rent out a bar or two in the region for MAID and OG forum people for a wild network success party hah :smiley: . I hope it happens, with # of coins I doubt it but you never know with crypto hype where we could go. One blog predicted $600 SAFE one day and his other predictions have been on target for ETH/BTC/Factom/Ripple and such (probably all luck on those predictions but I still wanna believe he knows!)


I think $100 is definitely feasible. At present circulation that’s a market cap of only $45B. I could see that happening by/at beta. For reference, ETH hit that market cap around this time last year and I think the beta SAFEnetwork will be more functionally complete than where Ethereum was at that time.

Once the network is live, I agree with Alex Fortin (the blogger) that Safecoin will trade at $600. In fact I find $1000 within the first few years of launch to be a reasonable target. When you consider what the whole crypto ecosystem should be worth by then and all the SAFEnetwork will do/render redundant, such a price is more than plausible. This of course all depends on Safecoin divisibility and burn/replenishment rate.


Impressed you knew who I was referencing :slight_smile: , I hope you are right! Would be crazy times if so.

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Does this count even if very temporarily on a low volume exchange somewhere? If so, I’ll make it happen & see you at the bar :wink:

Though more seriously, $100 per coin with e.g. 1bn coins in circulation would be less than Bitcoins’s market cap today, so if the SAFE network succeeds in becoming widely used beyond the crypto community… expect $100 coins at some point.


It counts if you buy a specific volume around the order of 10k+ coins from me :laughing: . All right, I will expect $100+ and bring this up in a 2-3 years again to you both heh.


It was alex fortin remember reading this article… if safe gets mass adoption could be possible Top 5 Crypto Currencies To Invest in 2018 - Alex Fortin


If this happens that would be absolutely insane! In a good way and well deserved imo but I think we should all make a pact! If this happens we all must fund the development of an app of our own liking or tick an app from the Most wanted apps thread :slightly_smiling_face:


I too read that 2016 article, around the time of BTC halving. Most of those predictions proved to be spot on, but times were different then. The whole world and the entire crypto pie changed. I think that SafeCoin price will grow rather slowly even after launch. But I also think it will keep growing for many years.


Absolutely!! There are so many things I’d love to see get maid (see what I did there? :wink:). The SAFEnetwork has the capacity to impact nearly every sphere of life—social, medical, industrial, educational, you name it. There are so many (d)apps just waiting to get built to improve life for everyone. I’d love to be in the position to finance them.


Where’s your Schrodinger dead cat bounce? :cat2: :crying_cat_face: :face_with_monocle::cowboy_hat_face::sweat_smile:


Maybe a good thing that MaidSafeCoin (back in top 100 today) isn’t listed anymore on Upbit (or should I say Downbit). According to many probably FUD, but being investigated by the police is not pleasant I think.

Is that when the price of MAID has simultaneously retraced and increased ~70%? :joy:

I’ll write down your promise and remember that.
I’ll join for sure your party mate :muscle::sunglasses:

Maid is building the future pavement of communication and interaction for humankind and it’s putting the values of freedom, privacy and fairness at the center of our lives. This is a revolution since we live in a society that is used to trading those values for earnings.

Though i’m not a deep tech guy, I try everyday to help spreading the word among people cause i feel we’re like a big family with one big aim. And I feel honoured to both witness this revolution and be part of it.
This is a great story which we’ll be able to recount in future


Price :chart_with_downwards_trend: + Rank :chart_with_upwards_trend: = Capitulation/Consolidation/Cryptoapocalypse
Pre-:last_quarter_moon_with_face: phase

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No doubt Cryptoskeptic, mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha! :laughing: