MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Its a revamped set of morals and a management change HitBTC need, not a prettier interface.

Forget about (Omni)MAID - accept the fact its untradeable by 99.99% for a wide range of very cogent reasons. Use the excellent MAID-eMAID process from to get eMAID and belatedly clamber into the 2020s. Then trade your eMAID as freely as you want. And if there is none for sale, ask yourself why that might be and be thankful.

But don’t encourgage anyone to do business with proven criminals.


Once we hit launch (around a couple of months away now) the MAID will, I believe, be trade locked and available on the network as the network token. Presumably, at that time at least one if not many exchanges will allow trading of this network token.

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Since when was launch a couple of months away?

It was reported by the CEO that launch was October and I haven’t read anything, anywhere, which confirms otherwise.


The end of October is just over two months away.


File under : inconvenient facts

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As @happybeing said launch is actually almost exactly 2 months away. 29th Aug → 29th Sept → 29th October. And the 29th October is within the range for launch (end October).

Yea it is creeping up on us and after all this time to be saying planned launch is a couple of months away is almost unbelievable.


Well thanks for all the replies. Glad it resulted in a big conglomeration in the post above mine.

If anyone knows when HitBTC has fixed/started MAID deposits again: please let me know!

You might not be able to trade Maid on HitBTC as orderbook depth might be close to 0. Just check that first if they fix their wallet.

Hm. How is the MAID price even being determined then if nobody is trading MAID?

MAID price don’t matter that much as there is no reliable volume but it probably follows the price of Emaid.

24h volume on HitBTC less than 1$ at the moment. It might get better when they fix their MAID wallet but would not count on it. Just check in the future, before decision if to move MAID there, look at the volume and orderbook to see if there is any volume and depth that supports selling your funds.

Like any exchange, last trade on that exchange.

Unless you mean on cmk or gecko, then those sites tell you where they pull their data from.

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Maybe a stupid question, but once the network is launched, will we be able to buy the autonomi network token directly on the network itself (with euros in my case), or only through exchanges (often requiring detours like buying ETH first)?


That’s not a dumb question at all. I’m hoping so and I think that is planned but not sure the current plans by the team so I’ll let them respond.


I think that requires app development, which so far is an amount of time that is untold. I am not sure when apps will be able to be developed on top of the Autonomi protocol. I feel like the 1.0 release, near/at October, is solely for the ability to store data, and to receive the native currency—i.e. minimum viable product?

Not to mention it requires network growth: I would hope that, despite people’s fears over the years, awareness campaigns (sounds better than marketing haha, as if there’s a specific market to a human necessity) show a working product for “adoption” to become much more “mass” much more quickly than otherwise thought. Will there be apps that allow fiat to be connected to some sort of bank? Autonomi ATMs? (I wonder if the presence of cryptocurrency that has already been established for so long, for much of the world to have some lying around, will actually hinder progress regarding incentive to build a fiat presence, though I guess fiat is still much more powerful than crypto.)

Right now there is a lot of beta tinkering. It’s right at the cusp of people grasping what is even happening in the code, and I would hope there’s an acceleration in development after more grasp occurs, and certain parts of the code within the whole are left alone to work as they should to let room for development in other areas.

The price, friends… the price, although it is true that it is not going down…
it has not just taken off… shouldn’t this go up?
Where are the ads…the partners…the money coming through the windows???

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That would require ( legally speaking ) a company with a fiat bridge to launch a sevice on autonomi.

I woulnt exoect it to be very different from the regular companies who now run exchanges and are licensed to take fiat.

Even then, id expect crypto to crypto to appear first, as thats what most exchanges now currently do.


Or possibly a plugin to get uniswap working on autonomi.

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Ever since July 12th, which is when Wave 2 and Marketing were supposed to begin: things have been stagnating—until more recently—from what I’ve seen. Mr. Irvine had something happen to him health-wise for some weeks around there I think? And he’s back in the scene more recently. Seems like a temporary delay was happening from both that AND a possible new slew of bug curiosities in the code suddenly baffling the rest of the team at the start of July 12th. Not sure how true all that is, just information I’ve assimilated for the past months.

[All that is very prominent in my mind because, on July 11th I had my own health diagnostic procedure, and subsequent week-long strings of bad news deluxe, perfectly mirroring Autonomi’s development, extremely bizarrely. (Not just me, but 3 other people I know personally. Like the Andromeda galaxy suddenly wanted everyone in the Milky Way to suffer.) Maybe they don’t want to start marketing until the nano situation and other things are resolved.]

I believe in the short term the network token will be traded on centralized exchanges. That they will integrate the wallet and api’s to manage the token like any other crypto. I bet there will be example USD, USDC, Ethereum, Bitcoin pairs and so on.

After that if there will be swaps or other solutions on the network, it might happen.

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Many want this. I’ve proposed a solution that we may independently aim to support/build if the :ant: foundation doesn’t do so:


Can you please upload this to the Network? just sold my first 1 nano to a store owner :crazy_face:

First I told him that it had no price…
I offer it to him for €0.01 and told him if he gave me €0.02, than I would give him my €0.02. He said that he’ll give me €0.10, I said are you for sure? He said yes…

So i gave him my €0.02: if you run a SAFE node you can get more of these puppies, if you can’t I’ll help.

Why I ask @happybeing as you can hopefully understand :sweat_smile:, I ran out of 1 nano to upload :vulcan_salute:
:beers: and no we were not both drunk :beer: