Store Of Value

My deafintion, “store of value” fall on deaf ears :cricket: :cricket:

Imagination is more important than knowledge…

Sorry for the iq test, it gets people emotional, while AI :ghost: way beyond my iq #0 nano

That you expect SAFErs to pay for your hardware, electricity and Internet costs. Feels more like your doing a iq test yourself, to see who is gullible enough to do it. You never mentioned Network growth as the most important thing that we should focus on.

I’m a bit bias

When kids talk to you about their costs, it’s because they think that they are smarter than you, fun fact you can let them do the iq test on the Network by letting them hash it out with AI for 1 nano. I pay 100 euros per month to run nodes, because the Network is important to me, not because I’m loosing currency…

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