Is that a Wave on the Horizon? Beta Rewards are coming ashore!

You will be able to use tokens earned during the beta, to upload to the beta.

And then the idea is that the data from the last beta (which could be the first and only) will roll over to the live network. But the tokens will not.

So that way you have two options with your node earnings:

  1. Send them in for rewards (akin to selling them in the live Network)
  2. Use them to pay for data (just like uploading in the live Network)

So it’s actually quite a nice test of the dynamics of the economy!


But only if they are not forwarded to Autonomi / Maidasafe?


Yeah correct.

As a node operator, you could think of that like selling them on an exchange vs keeping them for personal use.


That has been changed or scheduled to be and if you do not supply a owner to launchpad or safenode-manager then your node will retain beta test tokens


Yes, it has


Things like this is why I’ve been pushing so hard against the foundation having so much centralized power. But most here remain blind to it. It’ll be a boil the frog situation (until the network is forked if it goes too far).

Look further. The foundation is allocating itself a huge chunk of genesis and will collect serious royalties but it will exclude a huge portion of the world when it comes to who, where, and how it can spend that money. And it’s just one scenario. There will be more.

Imagine people from the US or China (the two biggest markets) spending on the network and getting taxed, but not being able to benefit from any of the ostensible reasons for that tax. Would they support that foundation and its network?

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Any one know If I can run the beta rewards entirely through vdash, from start to finish? For me its just the simplest way.


Vdash doesn’t run nodes. It only reports on them.


The problem is not the Foundation, but three-letter agencies that extradite people and imprison people because they write open source code. Direct your anger to the right place and vote in the elections.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Where should I receive the invitation code? I signed up to test the Beta version a long time ago but until now I have not received any confirmation, or Invite Code.

Can someone explain?

No Safe, no wave.


No codes yet, we’re all waiting for more details when and how.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


If you signed up ages ago then you should be in wave 1 and no more to do. Tomorrow (my time) or later tonight UK time there will be a discord channel set up with wave 1 people getting a “badge”

The invites are AFAIK something those in wave 1 can give out to others to “jump” the queue for wave 2. When we are told what the invite code is


There’s no anger here, brother. And the point has always been that you can’t provide a lever point for “three-letter agencies” and other actors to be able to leverage. That’s aways been my point. Does it begin to make sense to you?


Thanks, I wanted to register on the Autonomi for the Beta Rewards Program and in item 3 there is a question about the Invite Code, I understand that I should not register yet now?

No Safe, no wave.


I understand you, what I don’t understand is the alternative. Shall we go back in time and tell David to anonymously release the project like Satoshi?

Because the devs are not anonymous and without a wall between them and the three-letter agencies, they go straight to jail.

This wall is the Foundation, let them push it with the lever, it will abide by all laws and unfortunately exclude our brothers from the US, unfortunately there are always parts of the planet that sink under someone’s boot…

Enlightenment will come to these parts of the world sooner or later.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Do wave 1 participants have invite codes to pass out yet?


No codes yet, we’re all waiting for more details when and how.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Okay thanks @Dimitar


Sure but it installs everything needed to run nodes, and helps to start them, no?

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No. It just monitors what they are doing.

I think you are confusing Vdash with node-manager or launchpad… or safeup.

@Michael_Hills perhaps share how you have been installing and starting nodes then we can figure it out.