BUG: this looks like an old upload bug (cannot store empty file) while uploading a very large deep directory:
Built with git version: 2c47455 / main / 2c47455
Instantiating a SAFE client...
🔗 Connected to the Network Error:
0: Chunks error Cannot store empty file..
1: Cannot store empty file.
393MB file. Approximately half of the chunks are due for repayment.
After 44.754108212s, verified 403 chunks
======= Verification: 193 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
After 18.385724174s, verified 193 chunks
======= Verification: 117 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
After 16.057979836s, verified 117 chunks
======= Verification: 60 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
After 13.377975202s, verified 60 chunks
======= Verification: 56 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
After 17.576739165s, verified 56 chunks
======= Verification: 16 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
After 3.111694874s, verified 16 chunks
======= Verification: 12 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
Repaid and re-uploaded 12 chunks in 36.677941666s
======= Verification: 12 chunks to be checked and repaid if required =============
After 3.650865739s, verified 12 chunks
======= Verification complete: all chunks paid and stored =============
Uploaded all chunks in 53 minutes 29 seconds
export SAFE_PEERS= "/ip4/"
bash: export: `/ip4/': not a valid identifier
Using safenode v0.90.34 I immediately got some PUTS but am not seeing store cost or payment messages in the logs. I doubt those have changed?
I also haven’t seen any GETS but if Toivo is seeing them I guess that’s just my node.
EDIT: I have a store cost message. I guess the above makes sense because I won’t be asked to quote until some new chunks are coming, and I won’t see payment until a client decides to pay!
Im very happy to see how this testnet has started for the client side. Client uploads seems to work way smoother than the previous couple of testnets.
During my uploads, 4 chunks gave the following error at first (and in the end those where repaid correctly without problems!)
> Cannot get store cost for NetworkAddress::ChunkAddress(a7e573(10100111)… - - a7e5730880fbfa71e2dc23f49aaca3e14de9ac618ac8beeb3776e26786f0fa4d) with error CouldNotSendMoney(“Network Error Not enough store cost prices returned from the network to ensure a valid fee is paid.”)
Upload/Download statistics for a 604MB video file:
Upload with default settings: 108 minutes
Upload with -c 50 --batch-size 100: 67 minutes
Okay, so first batch of files uploaded using -c 10 --batch-size 5
Worked after a few re-uploads
Trying second set of files with -c 20 --batch-size 10 – trying to keep it proportional, not sure if it will make a difference. In my experience with previous net, my upload speed doesn’t like the large batch sizes … but also failed often after trying one round of reuploads - this net seems okay to try multiple reuploads - not sure if that is one of the new fixes or not, or if I was just unlucky in previous net.
Still getting the deserialized bytes don't encode a group element error
willie@gagarin:~$ safe files upload -c50 --batch-size=10 /fgfs/Aircraft/A340-313X/
Built with git version: 2c47455 / main / 2c47455
Instantiating a SAFE client...
🔗 Connected to the Network Total number of chunks to be stored: 2118
0: Transfer Error Bincode error:: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element.
1: Bincode error:: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
2: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
willie@gagarin:~$ safe -V
sn_cli 0.82.0
willie@gagarin:~$ echo $SAFE_PEERS
willie@gagarin:~$ safe files upload willie03.ics
Built with git version: 2c47455 / main / 2c47455
Instantiating a SAFE client...
🔗 Connected to the Network Total number of chunks to be stored: 4
0: Transfer Error Bincode error:: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element.
1: Bincode error:: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
2: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
duh… I had not grabbed anything from the faucet
but then
willie@gagarin:~$ safe wallet get-faucet
Built with git version: 2c47455 / main / 2c47455
0: Bincode error:: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
1: deserialized bytes don't encode a group element
Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
However on my newly fired up Hetzner instance it seems to be OK so far
Yep - looks OK on the cloud instance
safe@IntolerantNetSouthside01:~$ safe files upload main.zip
Built with git version: 2c47455 / main / 2c47455
Instantiating a SAFE client...
🔗 Connected to the Network Total number of chunks to be stored: 4
Transfers applied locally
All transfers completed in 15.020509616s
Total payment: NanoTokens(1538) nano tokens for 4 chunks
Made payment of 0.000001538 for 4 chunks
Stored wallet with cached payment proofs. New balance: 99.999998462
Uploaded chunk #c716fa.. in 0 seconds
Uploaded chunk #85574b.. in 0 seconds
Uploaded chunk #b4f948.. in 0 seconds
Uploaded chunk #485302.. in 0 seconds
Uploaded 4 chunks in 22.065171556s. Current progress is 4/4.
First round of upload complete. Verifying and repaying if required...
======= Verification: 4 chunks to be checked and repaid if required =============
Failed to fetch a chunk ChunkAddress(485302(01001000)..)
After 1.929998274s, verified 4 chunks
======= Verification: 1 chunks were not stored. Repaying them in batches. =============
Failed to fetch 1 chunks. Attempting to repay them.
Transfers applied locally
All transfers completed in 14.0842108s
Total payment: NanoTokens(403) nano tokens for 1 chunks
Uploaded chunk #485302.. in 0 seconds
Repaid and re-uploaded 1 chunks in 17.154251527s
======= Verification: 1 chunks to be checked and repaid if required =============
After 1.589507841s, verified 1 chunks
======= Verification complete: all chunks paid and stored =============
Uploaded all chunks in 48 seconds
Uploaded main.zip to 48530269f54c46dc11b5f74717604c24bd5b1980da997e9e794c4e74dd82134f
Yes I know its using the old network name - just cosmetic - a reboot will sort that.