Ok, so a little home work for you intrepid Betaneers who will be running nodes and riding the Rewards Waves.
If you have been running nodes in test nets here’s what you need to do to prepare and reset, ready for the Beta to begin.
You’ll need to reset your tools, ready to get on the new Network, and get your Discord Username locked and loaded if you plan to participate in the Beta Rewards Program that is.
thisisnotbetarewardsnet@autonomi:~$ tar -xzf node-launchpad-0.3.4-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
thisisnotbetarewardsnet@autonomi:~$ ./node-launchpad
node-launchpad failed:
0: Failed to parse app data
On an Ubuntu VPS, the setup was SOOO much better than the last testnet. The UX is greatly improved - great progress, and I’m sure feedback from Wave 1 will make it even easier for Wave 2 participants.