As announced in last nights stage, there’s an exciting new plot twist node operators!
So take your eye off the microscope. It’s not just attos. You’ve got the opportunity to earn a share of a 1.5M whole token reward pool.
In fact you’ve been earning them this whole time!
For the six weeks from our launch on the 29th of October until 10th December we’re keeping tabs (or rather the blockchain is) on your node performance. We’ll be paying rewards based your earnings, ready to be sent to your wallet address after the Token Generation Event in January.
Have a read of what you can earn and how we’ll be measuring things with weekly leaderboards, where points mean rewards, and rewards mean your attos are now free to be used as you see fit!
We’ll be publishing the first leaderboard on Tuesday, which will include the points you’ve racked up from launch, and where you stand overall to date.
On that site is a link to FAQ, and there is this misinformation on at the “How many nodes can I run”:
A typical home PC will be able to run several nodes at once, and you can start nodes on as many computers as you like. Just make sure you are signed up to the Beta Rewards Program, and have entered your Discord Username in the Node Launchpad App to have all your contributions count.
There’s also a mention about Beta Rewards Program in other places in that FAQ. Is this still a Beta Rewards Program or something else?
Actually there is much outdated and conflicting infromation there.
“What sort of computer do I need”:
For the first week of Beta Phase Two each node uses around 35 GB of storage space, as well as some CPU, memory, and of course Internet bandwidth. This will change in the following weeks as we test different parameters and optimise the Network to maximise performance and overall capacity.
Better to comb it all through. I cannot do it now, busy.
If we have the Leaderboard system again where running lots of nodes is rewarded proportionally more than lots of people running a small number of nodes should I be putting my time and money into setting up something in a DC/Cloud rather than getting as many friends and family as possible running a few nodes at home?
It will benefit the network more long term to have more people involved… and we have got more fun coming in the next weeks (so keep an eye out for that).
You can start earning for this competition when uploads resume by downloading the latest version of Launchpad from the website. Keep a eye out for announcements regarding upgrades and any other changes you may need to know.