LaunchPad / Reward "Potential" Issue(s)

Hello Everyone,

Exciting times indeed! Hopefully most are experiencing expected rewards, however I am not in the group.

I have run nodes during the development phase and Post “launch”:

Node Launchpad Versions:

  • 2024.10.26; 0.4.1
  • 2025.01.05; 0.4.5
  • 2025.01.08; 0.5.2
  • 2025.01.12; 0.5.3
  • 2025.02.11; 0.5.4

I have yet to received any Atto or ANT rewards that I can identify. I did follow the instructions and have a wallet in MM setup and linked. Completed, basic maintenance and troubleshooting such as updating and resetting nodes. So I am either missing something or something might be a tad off? Especially if the rewards are intended to be received by even the “small” players…

I have run anywhere from 1 to 15 nodes at a time on Windows.

Below is a screen shot of current Launchpad:



Hi @Dwieluns2 and welcome back :slight_smile:

Yes rewards ARE a problem for the small/home user right now. Its being worked on right now

and hopefully there will be some policy changes to also assist by moving the incentive from running huuuuge nos of nodes to actually putting some chunks/dat onto these nodes.

Stay tuned.


Sorry, I am new here. I am facing the same issue. I am running 300 nodes, on 3 sbc. The reward balance all ‘-‘ or 0.
Last rewards was on yesterday morning I received 0.38051ANT, but then totally nothing till now. Reset all nodes, restart, nothing seems right……:disappointed:

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The random node rewards have dropped off due to the high number of nodes. I think 0.38 ANT is the min. I’ve been running 50 nodes for a week i got up to 1.9 ANT in a 12 hour window. Most recently I haven’t received anything for a few days. Once uploads catch up to the network size we should be getting a small trickle of ANT much more consistently.


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Please note that in recent days the number of nodes has increased exponentially which has affected the level of rewards for users with a small number of nodes but the problem is already identified as Southside wrote, so we hope that such a rapid growth of the network will be diagnosed as another experience and the redistribution of rewards in a balanced way will be restored, thank you for joining us :point_left: :blush: :+1:

Also, I would like to point out that if I run 300 nodes on my home network. Basically the latency growth really high, like 700ms+
Is that because of my router not strong enough?

My latency from my router to ISP’s gateway is at .5ms with RTTsd of .2ms. It hasn’t been impacted but its quite a beefy router. Currently, running around 8000 nodes.

Not sure what endpoint you are checking for the latency, but 700ms is quite high.

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