This network will run for a week (Thurs-Thurs). The last release before launch will be 2 days shorter then expected with this change. Both the launch date and overall phase 2 period of the beta have NOT changed.
The /rank won’t include any nanos earned on the Oct 8 network, just the Thursday–Thursday. We’ll add on those extra nanos to the leaderboard published at the end of the week
Remember to ramp up your nodes gradually, expect increased RAM/CPU usage compared to previous networks with smaller chunk sizes. You can anticipate a 2-3x in RAM usage compared to what you were seeing with smaller chunk sizes prior to Oct 8. The exact resource use isn’t confirmed as that is part of what we intend to learn from this test!
We will be ramping uploads gradually
Devblog will be out today going into the events of Oct 8
seeing similar (not as bad) b/w uploading from my nodes and will be due to new nodes and they are retrieving chunks from the nodes.
not as bad because there is only around 50-100 chunks being stored on the nodes. basically empty network to coddle the network and hope it doesn’t get a transmission storm like the last one
Seeing a very high figure for each node seeing other nodes are bad. Obviously there are many nodes out there not doing as well as mine
did someone upgrade and bring in “old chunks” ? I didn’t expect this to happen in the current network … since chunk size is larger … but we had that multiple times in the past … so I guess it might have happened again
I’m guessing Maidsafe have a testdata workflow which still produces chunks of 512KB and that is running. Either by accident or design. If it’s by design maybe it’s so that the initial data in the network is more easily replicable stuff.
Seems some people have just been upgrading their nodes and the records in their record store is being given back to the network. They have not been resetting.
For instance safenode-manager uses the same directory names so if the directories are not deleted then the record store remains. No reset then the directories are not deleted
People have pointed this out every beta network since the first time it was noticed. Some of these chunks are likely to be from a few betanets ago