Another angle:
There is 6500 places getting rewards. My gut feeling is that there is not going to be that many people running the nodes, at least not in the beginning. If all the places are not filled, there’s going to be money left on the table. Is that going to happen in this world of crypto?
But let’s assume that just the first 1500 places are filled. The last guys on that list are running maybe 1-5 nodes, as a ballpark figure. Who would mind, if they run all of them in different addresses. Probably no one.
But it would probably be profitable to split your nodes somehow at every level, until all the 6500 paying places are filled. Where would we draw a line, like “Yeah, it’s OK for the last 15%, but everyone better than that should have just one address.” Even if we could draw a line, it cannot be enforced, and in this world of crypto… you know.
Then it comes to the fact, that the people running so few nodes cannot probably be bothered to assign different addresses to them, because the official, easy way does not support that. They would need to learn new skills, that is not at all easy at the skill level where they are. Whereas someone starting a few thousand nodes with a script, can probably do a bit more scripting, and do the math to get somewhat reasonable deviation to grab as many places as he can.
So, now we have a system, that on the official procedure is trying to be easily accessible to everyone. But the table is tilted so that the chips are going to roll to the side of the “rich and able”.
Imagine someone going out their way to teach a new person with great effort to run a node, and tell them that now you have a good chance to earn something. And when the game is over, they are just going to find out, that others, who are better off and know the inner workings of the game, have just pushed them out of any little money they might have earned. My advise would be: don’t bother.
Maybe they are doing just that. Because:
So if it is about appearances, this system will get that. Maybe with a side benefit of getting a more stable network, because it makes so much more sense to run this via datacenters than from homes.
So at the end of this period we might very well have a smoothly running network, that is run in a somewhat centralized manner from datacenters, and favors the rich. At least the push is to that direction.
Then, what is supposed to happen after that? What is the direction the network can and should take then?