Psst, better not tell Willie.
Mozilla VPN
This is provided by Mullvad which I used in the past and seemed a decent quality good value service (HQ in Sweden, servers around the world).
With so many VPN providers turning out to be frauds lately, Mozilla’s backing makes this my go-to choice for value and trust, although I’m not using it atm.
Careful !!!
Err they do. We seem to have some of the worst of it under control but there is a very nasty streak of anti-Irish Catholic that permeates our society. Ex BB officer here BTW, no ghettoised resident of East Donegal… Although I do drink in Heraghty’s - well I would if I could…
You would actually be VERY welcome Mark, Not only do you bring your intellect and enthusiasm, you can bring your own house. We have several canals for your perusal and at least you would not distort the property market and displace a young Scots family from the housing market.
So many want to “escape” up here, knowing they can sell a brick shithouse in Streatham for what will buy then a 5 bed des res in a leafy suburb.
Or worse, they snap up an ex-council house, keep their brick shithouse and rent it out to live off the proceeds here. Either way, young Scots are excluded from “their” housing.
So come on up but don’t forget your narrowboat
I was kicked out of the house at 17 on a freezing January with not a penny to my name, because I was dating a Catholic girl. I think though it has got an awful lot better these days. My family no longer care, but back then I had folk come across the water to let me know it was a phase I would get over I think it was very much West coast and not so much in the highlands or borders though. In any case I do think it is much less of an issue in general society now, on the fringes it will be there for a generation or 2 I recon.
You really must tell me what that film is like. Ive never ever watched it.
I’m led to believe its a thrilling piece of Hollywood fiction featuring a diminutive Australian with a dodgy accent that has somehow attained the status of a documentary.
It forms no part off MY nationalism. I have plenty of economic and social reasons to want rid of the Union, I CBA with these “historical” tossers that think wearing a kilt makes them more of a Scot than anyone else.
I know where you are coming from. I wasnt flung out of the house but the old man was not too happy when I told him my latest gf was called Theresa… Not that she lasted too long but her being a kafflik had nothing to do with it.
Its not quite as bad as it was, but its still there - Look at the kind of pricks that turned up to “defend the statues” and assault the asylum seekers demo in Geroge Sq a few weeks ago. And the polis stood by and did nothing. Fast enough to kettle the Green Brigade if they show their faces though.
Its still a major problem with our brave Police Scotland, who despite all having a fortune spent on kevlar seem strangely reluctant to face down any bugger threatening violence as long as they are waving a Union fleg.
I was expecting better given the five Oscars. It’s a watchable travesty of the facts, but possibly had the gist.
It’s not a bad thing to see one’s ancestors given a different treatment than in most versions of history we’re exposed to, even if the writer wasn’t acquainted with sources or evidence (according to one Scottish historian’s essay that I checked). It was a bit pantomime villain, and they cast Patrick McGoohan as the villain in chief, Edward 1st! Perhaps it was to balance Wallace being played by an Aussie.
We can agree awful things were done in the name of Royalty, nationalism and divinity, and continue today in other guises - essentially base human traits.
I’d be interested to know what you think of it if you ever watch the thing.
I should warn you that wherever I end up I will probably not go down with my ‘ship’, but I do promise not to claim any ancestral rights over newlywed brides, although I understand that bit was made up anyway.
Ahemmm … its David who has the ancestral rights over newlyweds in some of the remoter parts of SW Scotland - allegedly.
The offer still stands, sail the good rustbucket to Lancaster and we will crowdfund a low-loader to get you up the M74 and dunk you in the Forth and Clyde canal.
I might get around to watching Braveheart - but I said that just after it was released quite some time ago. I really dont “do” TV or film. I know I am missing out on large chunks of contemporary culture but I see little evidence that I am missing that much in all honesty. Maybe thats just pseudo intellectual arrogance from me, though?
I’m going to print this out and use it as my entry visa.
Thanks for the kind offer. I can’t imagine how I could repay such kindness, but I’m guessing you might have the odd suggestion If you could manage to put a large reflector into orbit and direct a few rays up there I’ll definitely consider it, especially if the shadow can be made to track certain politicians and their backers. No wait, it could be like a giant magnifying glass and directed at… Now I’m getting a bit Dr Evil (strokes
), and the best James Bond was a Scot. Oops!
Several decades ago this guy and I along with a few others were involved in just that sort of research.
Ditto. Different guy and I wasn’t involved in his scheme - a pitch for a European space project - using origami based engineering to unfurl a massive solar sail to catch the solar wind for propulsion.
You should talk to Gordon Ross then. Similar to David in much of his thinking
Uh oh …
Sounds more secure, but do you honestly believe if wont have a backdoor / un-entanglement code.
Of course general perception is what’s important with on boarding.
Yeah - probably years away yet for the average joe
AFAIK, a problem with quantum computing is what makes it “secure” also makes it pretty unusable. Hopefully I don’t sound stupid trying to explain the issue. The security comes from entanglement and when an outside observer observes the qubits or what have you, it interrupts the process, at which point Bob and Alice know that someone is spying. I don’t believe the process of communications/data transfer/etc completes when this happens. I’m guessing there would be some rerouting or reentangleing that would happen but the other big problem is needing repeaters of some sort because the distance quantum data can travel is very short to ensure data stays intact.
It’s mostly above my head but I think the infrastructure issues and having to solve other problems to make it commercially viable really lowers the chance of it happening for quite some time.
Pot , kettle.
Fake news?