I think I put it in the wrong place, try after everything.
Starting the vaults I get this
Sending login action request to authd...
Logged in successfully
Authorising CLI application...
Waiting for authorising response from authd...
[2020-07-21T11:02:09Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: Application authorisation failed: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] AuthenticatorError - Failed to authorise application on the network: Core error: Data error -> Balance does not exist
did you remember to do
safe auth start
first, then
safe auth status
Yes… as below
occasional two errors at the end like
AuthdError - [Error] AuthError - Failed to create an account: Safe ND error: Balance does not exist
AuthdError - [Error] AuthError - Failed to log in: no SAFE account found with the passphrase provided
$ safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
safe-authd started (PID: 29041)
$ safe auth status
Sending request to authd to obtain a status report...
| SAFE Authenticator status | |
| Authenticator daemon version | 0.0.11 |
| Logged in to a SAFE account? | No |
| Number of pending authorisation requests | 0 |
| Number of notifications subscribers | 0 |
$ safe vault run-baby-fleming -t
Storing vaults' generated data at /home/safe/.safe/vault/baby-fleming-vaults
Launching local SAFE network...
Launching with vault executable from: /home/safe/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Network size: 8 vaults
Launching genesis vault (#1)...
Genesis vault contact info: [""]
Launching vault #2...
Launching vault #3...
Launching vault #4...
Launching vault #5...
Launching vault #6...
Launching vault #7...
Launching vault #8...
Setting up authenticator against local SAFE network...
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
Success, safe-authd (PID: 29116) stopped!
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
safe-authd started (PID: 29459)
Creating a SafeKey with test-coins...
Sending account creation request to authd...
[2020-07-21T11:44:59Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] AuthError - Failed to create an account: Safe ND error: Balance does not exist
Sending login action request to authd...
[2020-07-21T11:45:04Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] AuthError - Failed to log in: no SAFE account found with the passphrase provided
$ safe vault killall
Success, all processes instances of safe_vault were stopped!
$ safe auth stop
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
Success, safe-authd (PID: 29459) stopped!
The next occasion I get account but still errors
$ safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
safe-authd started (PID: 29563)
safe@water:~$ safe vault run-baby-fleming -t
Storing vaults' generated data at /home/safe/.safe/vault/baby-fleming-vaults
Launching local SAFE network...
Launching with vault executable from: /home/safe/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Network size: 8 vaults
Launching genesis vault (#1)...
Genesis vault contact info: [""]
Launching vault #2...
Launching vault #3...
Launching vault #4...
Launching vault #5...
Launching vault #6...
Launching vault #7...
Launching vault #8...
Setting up authenticator against local SAFE network...
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
Success, safe-authd (PID: 29563) stopped!
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
safe-authd started (PID: 29631)
Creating a SafeKey with test-coins...
Sending account creation request to authd...
Account was created successfully!
SafeKey created and preloaded with test-coins. Owner key pair generated:
Public Key = 87ae48657d3451c038fd1fd8ad39c0548c4730514e4927f9f0aafd0b55507674f466c5d1bd68137c4be1c64a760ed2a1
Secret Key = f4ee03c7318f02ce822f407421de8dca1b4802a1be46341ea40c1e347be98705
safe@water:~$ Sending login action request to authd...
Logged in successfully
Authorising CLI application...
Waiting for authorising response from authd...
[2020-07-21T11:52:13Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: Application authorisation failed: [Error] AuthdError - [Error] AuthenticatorError - Failed to authorise application on the network: Core error: Data error -> Balance does not exist
Not worry… off topic for thread (sorry) and little time atm. Will leave for now.
DM me when you have time and we’ll run through it
I did what I could! haha! It seems that we might have gone down the memoryhole for most folk.
On the topic of ants…
Hold, hold, hold There is a time
Fortified by whisky I await a free Scotland.
Everybody is welcome.
Surely not these b**tard Anglash.
If global warming continues I’ll be in Scotland afore yeh. Well, obvs not but after yeh.
Or maybe Greece, there are options. It’s looking less and less like I’ll see my days out in England anyway. I feel bad saying that, few have the wit to see what’s coming or the means to do anything about it.
We have plenty of water and renewable’s, it makes sense. We’re also decent folk who look after each other. We have midges, lots of rain and colder weather, but nice warm fires and plenty of whisky, so life is good. Racism, sexism, and most isms don’t exist here either, we don’t know what they mean and I don’t want to learn, we only have humans and humans that live here and don’t try to change it are Scottish to us. So a good choice, mind you Greece has the history of intellect, so who knows. I like it here though
You make it sound so inviting, even the midges remind me of my ancestral lands (and childhood hols) lol.
Well, I know I’ll have a friend to walk with or share a beer, and quite likely provide the ion driven flying robocar to get me home.
I haven’t watched this yet, but the comments indicate that it is gold: