What’s up today? (Part 1)

Which is why the (beta) Mysterium network VPN is so interesting: decentralised verifiably secure VPN. https://mysterium.network/vpn/


Mysterium is interesting, but who is going to be brave enough to operate node? Looks like nodes have a whitelist to protect themselves, so maybe it’s not so scary.


Really nice article:

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If only there was a SAFE place to put data…


Tell me your first reaction

That’s worth a read… hope Mozilla do hold their ground on Firefox, doing right by privacy interests before all others.


Unfixable Seed Extraction on Trezor One, Trezor T and Keepkey by Ledger Donjon.


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Reminds me of when Google got caught collecting location data from iPhone users even when users set their preferences to prevent Google from accessing and collecting said data. After they got caught, all Google did was simply change their terms of service…


“21 minutes! Not going to watch that without an introduction.”


Skip the first 5 minutes. Now they’re 15


A lot of talk across YouTube promoting SIMETRI for crypto research. Seems it’s highly trusted and worth checking out but wanted to mention that they are supposedly using coinmarketcap for some of their data on projects within the space so we should definitely make sure all info over there is proper and see how else we can get proper links and info to show some leg to investors that use SIMETRI for investment research. Cc @dugcampbell @SarahPentland @Cgray


Do you think this will be referenced as the photo that caught the moment new world money took over old?

This guy is going to be famous.


Microsoft, Google and Apple To Track Bitcoin (BTC) And Crypto Owners

Time for a SafeOS


Money is a type of contract you have with the state you live in. Its a paper contract. A country/bank can issue as many little paper contracts as they like, changing the terms and conditions as they go. The little paper contract promises to have value, if you promise to take it seriously and also to pay tax in the system you live in. Tax isn’t a bad thing, taking advantage of your citizens is.

Gold, and crypto provide a store of wealth that is untouchable. It can not be devalued, printed, wash away purchasing power with financial magicary… The only option the system has now is to go after people that hold gold and crypto.
For something that’s they have said is not real money they really are pissed. Are they really going to tax a $20,000 rise on a “worthless digital coin”. Such interesting times we live in. People are forming their own ‘contract’ with the crypto monitary system and cutting out the banksters and the Taxtster. If the want more money, why don’t they go ahead and… you know… print some more :joy::joy::joy::joy: they can’t, it will increase the numerical ‘value’ count on crypto and smash the smoke and mirror game being played.

Ah, maybe I’m rambling pointlessly.

In the old world you would need to back your currency with a King, commanding his armies to make sure your nation can trade or even plunder resources to keep your country rich… and employ law makers to keep the money system tight.

With an algorithm you don’t need a king or the overhead of a government to maintain trust in the currency. King’s and government can only do one thing now, go after peoples crypto.


Why are you so sure he is one of the employees that was sacked? Couldn’t be a faked photo by the person or news outlet could it? We never see faked photos from our news media here in AU - I couldn’t keep a straight face saying that, They do it all the time.


It was two tailors apparently, not employees


6 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about taxes and (de)centralized governance