Watch SAFE cafe #8 on Sunday 7pm BST

You’ve read about the 99% Revolution on On Sunday’s show we get down to the raw truth of this phenomenon for all who love music and the arts. Music and art or our love for music, art, artists and musicians already enflames this peaceful unstoppable 99% Revolution. People are coming together to declare their independence by developing the killer app: Suite99. On Sunday’s show, we’ll talk more about how Suite99 works to give artists creative freedom and economic security. We ask the question; What will it mean for musicians and artists to have a 99% SafeCoin income stream? We’ll discuss where we are in the design process of Suite99 and how this killer app is exactly what the SAFE Network needs right now to gain traction for its launch. It’s almost a new day for musicians and artists and the rest of us who love to listen to music and watch great independent films. Join my co-host, @we_advance and me this Sunday as we visit with Dawn Leighton and other pioneering 99% rebels who are already changing the world as we know it during this important pre-launch phase of the SAFE Network. Come on, SAFE Network pioneers…grab a cup o’ joe or tea and come on in. The interactive SAFE cafe is waiting for you!


LIVE on YouTube: SAFE cafe #8: The peaceful, unstoppable 99% Revolution via Suite99 - YouTube