SAFE cafe #5 Monday11August 7pm BST

Picking up where we left off…we’ll be discussing how the arts will catalyze SAFE Network adoption and increase the actual adoption rate of the SAFE Network beyond pioneer and earliest adopter usage. The unique SafeCoin feature creates a revolutionary model for compensating artists for their contribution to the brand new digital society we’re creating on the SAFE Network. It’s a win-win-win for the network itself, artists who distribute their art and users who listen to music, watch movies/netcasts and play games online. Suite99’s (Network99 + Studio99) killer apps & the BlueCollar app development crew will lead the way into the undiscovered universe of the SAFE Network. We’ll be talking about how killer apps like Suite99 can promote user adoption of the SAFE Network through the arts via fair structures like the open value network (OVN).

Google+ hangout LIVE netcast link:

YouTube LIVE link: SAFE cafe #5: Sweet Suite99 - YouTube