This is a great and very delicious analogy. We talking cherry? Mixed berry? Rhubarb?
Just imagine the imagery of a network of ants carrying off that pie into the sunset.
This is a great and very delicious analogy. We talking cherry? Mixed berry? Rhubarb?
Just imagine the imagery of a network of ants carrying off that pie into the sunset.
Everything you say makes perfect sense. I fully support you, Bux, and the team (the holy SN/Autonomi trinity )! Best of luck in bringing the initial product to the finish line. The rest will follow!
P.S. David, wishing you good luck and abundant health! Hope to have you around for another 100+ years
This feels a little contradictory
My interpretation is the technical aspects of the token mechanism are solved but incentive/social aspects of the economy have yet to be proven, is that right?
What are the unproven/unresolved parts, and how does what does it take for this to be considered ‘done’? Is it a technical task or is it real life feedback that needs to be gathered?
I am using NixOS on my personal development machine. It’s not something specific to Autonomi. With installing some software, it gets a little tricky if the software is relatively new as it’s not yet packaged and part of the official package distribution (nixpkgs). I love using and talking about Nix though, so if there are any specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them.
Not only that really but the wider economy (exchanges) and such like as well. In addition the lateness of the API has not helped. So we have all the big technical answers and that’s great, but the other side is the network use, legals and tokenomics etc,
There’s a few design elements that need to be re-shared with you all, and some clarifications also. Apologises if my comments over weekend felt contradictory - it’s sometimes better for us to wait and fully share, rather than part/piece meal comment - we will have the ‘full share’ bit to you guys soon.
“Wait and fully share” is good business practice except that it increases the distance between the business and external stakeholders. I feel that this greater distance is disappointing to longtime supporters who want to contribute to the success in a more open and inclusive environment.
It would be nice if supporters, especially those who are not in this solely for financial gain and who have relevant skills, could be heard and included more in the whole process.
I have upgraded all my nodes and still getting constant shutdowns after an undetermined amount of time. why can I find an answer to this?
This has been mentioned several times. @neo and @aatonnomicc amongst others have seen this.
Start by searching for their posts of the past 2-3 weeks. Keep any relevant logs you can associate with a node just before it shut down.
How may nodes are you trying to run? On what hardware? I know you have some “non-mainstream” boxes. Possibly related?
@scottefc86 If you are not careful Everton could end up like this
the carnage continues this time with AI input
Whats it like being the seriously second best team in blue in your city?
Espanyolification: noun The effect of being seriously, irretrievably and hilariously second best over many decades to your city rivals. Example RCD Espanol of Barcelona, Catalunya
Go and play with the traffic
nah its running on a very normal box. ive tried reading over the logs but… honestly dont make a hella lota sense out of them. also there is so many notifications its hard to even tell whats what lol. Not that many, just like 50 right now. very reasonable. easy done on this hw.
Look at the end of the logs. Do you see something like node is shutting down in 1s
15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pay once store forever
deleted and moving … as post I was replying to was moved while I was typing! doh!