Update 1st August, 2024

Monday saw the launch of a new node version with improved caching, reward forwarding and messaging, and in the background a new way of updating the network by gradually upgrading our own nodes first then encouraging the community to do the same. By and large this automated process went pretty well, although a few nodes had to be upgraded manually. Staggering the launch in this way is a precautionary step as we don’t want to knock the network over with too much churn.

A casualty of the new update process was Telegraf, the software that grabs metrics from the network, and allows us to monitor network performance. @chriso had to disable Telegraf for a period to get the upgrade to work on our nodes. This has meant that results, numbers and conclusions from the upgrade are only now starting to roll in.

Some of you have posted questions about the size of the network, i.e. is it smaller this time round? And why might that be.

The answer is yes; we have seen a significant contraction in the Network’s size, with the number of nodes down around 50% at the moment. On the face of it, that might seem a bit shocking at first, but dig a little deeper and the picture is very positive:

  • :ghost: The upgrade has resulted in us blocking nodes that have been under-performing to the detriment of the Network. So a large proportion of these zombie nodes have been culled. Quality not quantity!

  • :handshake: We’ve seen a significant jump in nodes being accepted through relays, up from 30% to 85%. Great news for those of you behind home routers!

  • :dash: Uploads speeds have significantly increased — doubled in fact!

  • :control_knobs: Some of you will have noted an increase in RAM usage. This is because nodes now have a record-store cache in memory, reducing the burden on disk I/O and consequently reducing CPU usage as well. A worthy trade-off and closer to that sweetspot of resource usage and performance.

  • :chart_with_downwards_trend: Both bandwidth utilisation and replication have been reduced by 20% as well. So more big steps in overall network performance!

So all-in-all very positive developments!

Reporting Issues

For those who are unaware, to report issues you can use the /help command in the Discord Bot.

Try to give as much detail as possible about your OS, node version etc. Of course, you can also post them on the forum or on GitHub. Thanks @happybeing for doing just that for API issues and for ruling out mobile broadband as a possible cause.

General progress

@chriso has been the man pulling the levers behind the new stable release workflow. Chris has professed himself satisfied with the way things have gone, despite the odd hiccup, and said it was a pretty good learning exercise. It’s quite a slow process and after a couple of runs there were still some nodes that had not upgraded, so he’s digging into that now. We also needed to take down Telegraf (which grabs the metrics) for the duration, so we can’t report the numbers till that’s switched on again.

Meanwhile, @mazzi worked on tweaking the launchpad UI as a precursor to more changes to the layout. Some good progress going on there.

@anselme made some more preparations for introducing the revamped spend. This will likely be a breaking change, meaning a new network, so we’ll do that once we’re ready. He’s also looking at how to scale the audit DAG to make it a fully fledged DAG Explorer.

On connectivity, @bzee is digging into an issue on a transport redesign in ongoing libp2p. The transport redesign is needed for AutoNATv2 and there seems to be a problem with DCUtR, which we have disabled for the time being. Let’s hope they get it sorted soon.

@qi_ma and @roland have been testing different combinations of network variables, such as staggered intervals between launching and upgrading nodes, between different testnets to try to work out optimum settings, as well as helping launch the current Beta.

@mick.vandijke is mostly client-side at the mo, implementing some changes to make it clearer what the file address is after uploading a file in the console output, and adding download time. Mick is also working on a benchmarking tool.

In Optimisationsville, @joshuef has been engaged in some performance improvements highlighted on his work on Sybil resistance, including a PR that improves the record store cache efficiency and also deduplicates duplicate concurrent queries from the same peer.

Finally, @rusty.spork has been fielding your queries and observations, including this week: continued lack of nanos for some, incremental RAM increases over time, anomalies with new versions of macOS and Windows, and folk getting kicked off VPSs for crypto mining (ironic, given the first issue). Maidsafe has also suffered this and got it sorted with a stern letter, so we’ll get a complaint template up in due course.


First for the first time ever. Good update, it sounds like the upgrade went well.


Thanks so much to the entire Autonomi team for all of your hard work! :woman_factory_worker: :man_factory_worker: :man_factory_worker:

And good luck to everyone with your beta rewards! :four_leaf_clover:


Seems to be second…good…


A extremely happy and pleasing moment for all the slogging ants… Wonderful feel to see the network progressing steadily but surely…

Keep going ants …Best Wishes…


How about a template for /help on Discord?
We need to classify and triage /help issues. Lets start by getting consistent info on each users system… OS? CPU? RAM? no of nodes? Home, VPS or something else?

This may help… Create & Manage Forms on Discord! Easy Guide — Tech How

only had a very quick look at this. Is this something the community can assist with?


None of these updates address critical issue that the community has been dealing with. A lot of the optimization work being done here isn’t nearly as urgent as fixing the spending bug. Why are wallets deducted payment even when the payment didn’t go through? Why is a wallet balance needed to download a file? Why are folder uploads requiring humongous payments?
Focusing and addressing those three bugs will help the community a lot and progress will be felt. But instead, because the same bugs are being talked about over and over, it feels like going in circles while Maidsafe’s team just keeps optimizing blithely on features that aren’t urgent.

Also, why is so much resources being spent on discord bots and maintaining leaderboards instead of addressing the critical bugs mentioned above? I didn’t say anything on this months ago, but it’s so clear now that a much simpler strategy of focusing resources on the actual network as it will be (and properly working wallets as they will be) would have been more optimal than spending those resources on coding side streets for leaderboards that will be removed later.


From safenode-manager add --help

          Try to use UPnP to open a port in the home router and allow incoming connections.
          This requires a safenode binary built with the 'upnp' feature.

Can someone say definitively if the current safenode binary (different beast from the safenode-manager) that is supplied from safeup upgrade is built with upnp?

Is there a list somewhere of the default features built into the std safeup downloads?


That one is fixed. The others are manageable, so inconvenient but not blockers because I now have enough nanos being donated that I have been able to test things.

Whereas the first beta network was a pain because of the above bug, it did seem to work once the data had been uploaded. But the blocker now is that the network isn’t working well enough at accessing data after uploading. Otherwise I would have shared the latest build so people could play, finally.

So the priority IMO is the issue I created today. I posted a summary on the forum (here).


Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs

Great progress super ants, really had a smooth upgrading home/vps :partying_face:
@happybeing :clap: :clap: :clap:

Keep coding/hacking/testing super ants :beers:


Given my own 8GB RAM MS WIN 11 i5 4core 8 thread 'daily Internet Driver" experience and the information above, to leave enough ram for daily browser, email and vOIP client software as well as space for LibreOffice and gdrive as well as gmail tabs open, as a result

I am reducing my node count to 10 instead of the 15 I was running,

because the CX of the 15 node arrangement seriously caused UX 1-3 second delay just swithcing tabs in the borwser, and really slowed the startup of apps in a new tab to a crawl, and those same 15 nodes also consumed too much bandwidth of the 80MBit Internet link, periodically, interrupting online streaming.


This is excellent news, human nature is always going to lean heavily toward, more is better and even more is best.

Do any github sleuths know how this has been tightened up?


Thanks for the update team :ant: :+1:

I think it’s okay if Nodes use a fair bit of RAM. Disk I/O is a pain and more RAM usage will speed things up which is really important for the network’s success.

We must be nearing the home stretch now - only three months until launch!? Wow - time goes fast!

Thanks to everyone for supporting Autonomi

Cheers :beers:


First I want to thank all the devs for their outstanding efforts, thank you from me and I am sure the community as well.

A few observations that I hope will help everyone out. Not sure who needs to read this @joshuef @chriso and I apologise for tagging you to help direct this to the right people.

Its good this is done. BUT overall bandwidth usage is up. On my home computers I had to reduce node counts by 1/3 because the bandwidth was so high it clogged up my low 40mbps uplink. Still had plenty of memory and cpu.

The same for my DO vps where I had to reduce the number of nodes also by around 30% because of CPU usage and bandwidth usage (to keep under the monthly quota)

This experience has been reflected by others in discord

This is great news.

Earnings are down though. Earning increased a few days before the upgrade, but after the upgrade slowed down by more than just a bit. Still better than 2 weeks ago for sure but the upgrade saw a reduction over the days before upgrade.

This is welcomed news.

I hope there is testing with some nodes in a home situation. It seems DO vps performance experience with DC quality networking is not what the average person experiences from home


The loading reports do seem out of step with what Autonomi are reporting so it would be interesting to hear their take on why.

Earnings too, though this could be explained by nodes being shunned. My own earnings are still going at about the rate from a week ago. I saw a big increase a few days before the update which continued for a day or so afterwards before falling again to something like before the rise.


For me they remain much better.
Idk if it matters but I upgraded at first, cpu got out of hand so I just nuked and restarted with a few percent less nodes, all good since.


The last bit is my point. We saw the increase and after upgrade reduced. For me the reduction wasn’t back to what it was 2 weeks ago, and is significantly better than that but there was a noticeable drop after upgrade (I did upgrade 12 hours after release)

You’d expect with node count dropping from around 70-80K to 40-50K that earnings would jump if the novel uploads were going at the same rate (chunks/hour). But dropping suggests that they reduced the upload rate (chunks/hour) or doing a significant amount of duplicated uploads and dedup kicked in.

My earnings are up for the week as a whole, but that reflects how good the earnings were before the upgrade. Over half of my week’s earnings were from Sat & Sun (500 nanos) and less than half (350 nanos) for mon thru thurs (UK times)

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Maybe these things require such different skillsets that they can’t be worked on by the other resources? I’m sure that working on the payment system is a very different thing from network optimisation or Discord Bot wrangling and people can’t just flit from one to the other.

I have occasionally faced this kind of question at work:-

“why have you got people continuing with storage provisioning and Linux builds when the network is the toilet again? Shouldn’t it be ‘all hands to the pump’ on the big issue today?”

“Because half the team aren’t network engineers. While the issues are being worked on by those who are the others can get on with other work’”

Sure, sometimes they can do things like document the issues, monitor something and update the Incident Records but if not they may as well carry on as they were going to.


Cant help feeling Discord bot wrangling is a task that can be handed over to a trusted community member?

Do we have any long-term (discuss) members with Discord bot skills and some spare time?