TGE & Launch Timeline for the Days Ahead

Hi All!

We know that there’s much anticipation in this communication and your patience and support as always, much appreciated. And with this, I am delighted to announce that The Autonomi Network will go live on February 11, 2025 with its new token called the Autonomi Network Token (ANT).

Launch Timeline

There are a number of things that will happen in the run-up to TGE, so here are some key steps on the timeline to pay attention to:

6th February, 11:00 GMT — Trading and withdrawals will be suspended on Bitmart
6th February, 11:00 GMT — MaidSafeCoin Conversion Process Opens
11th February, 14:00 GMT:rocket: TGE :rocket: Autonomi Tokens will be in market on Uniswap, PancakeSwap, with Bitmart following (precise timing to come)
11th February, 15:00 GMT:rocket: Network Release :rocket:
14th February — First MAID/eMAID > ANT Airdrop
Then… Bitmart conversion of any eMAID still on the exchange will be completed 3-5 days after the listing

MaidSafeCoin Conversion

The MaidSafeCoin Conversion process is not yet open, but will commence on February 6th, 2025 after an official announcement. The first Airdrop of ANT will then be after TGE on the 14th of February, with the complete schedule as follows.

The conversion process will open on February 6th, 2025 with the first airdrop being Friday 14th February 2025. The final deadline is February 3rd, 2028

We’ve got full details of the conversion process the complete airdrop schedule and deadlines detailed in our comprehensive MaidSafeCoin conversion guide on the Autonomi docs site.

Dig in to the Autonomi Docs

Speaking of docs, you’ll find even more detail and guidance on our docs site, including what you’ll need to do to switch your wallet over for the live token. Dig in to all the guides here: Autonomi Docs Thanks again for your support.

We are all very excited for what lies ahead!



Here we go!!


We are doing it :tada:



If Maidsafe had a headquarters, I think you nailed it :laughing:


:fire: :airplane: :rocket: :small_airplane: :roller_coaster: :point_left: :muscle: :wink:


It’s now going to be a burn + airdrop, so no snapshot to worry about.

Far cleaner in my opinion, so I’m glad they’ve gone this path!


Congratulations to the team for all the efforts and getting the project to this point.

Heres to it being a smooth ride through TGE, conversions and live launch.

We may not agree with every decision but hey we are a group with more than one person. Its time for launch of this marvellous project that will mature into the beast we’ve all been looking forward to for so long.

Congratulations especially to @dirvine for not only surviving this last year or so, but bringing this project to birth and what should go down in history as bringing new life to humanity by helping to restore freedom to the populations through privacy restored.

Now where did I put that piece of paper, and now to scrape up some btc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Congratulations to all of us who valiantly stood the test of time too :tada:


Not many have diamond hands like this community


Congratulations to David, and everyone who has stood their ground to make Autonomi a reality, never gave up, even in the projects darkest hours.

We have been here for many years indeed, and will stand further, until everything we can possibly do is done.

Autonomi gives me the certainty of a bright future.

May many more stand with us now!


Awesome guys congrats. Was this first air drop time meant to be the 14th? @JimCollinson


Yes the 14th


Thanks. And one more question to the crew. It states ant tokens will be in market on 11th February. How is this possible if the first air drop is scheduled for the 14th?

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Yes, apologies, typo!


MAID and EMAID holders are a large chunk of the overall token pool, but there are other tokens.

The Foundation for example, will be providing some inital liqiuidity.

Here’s the chart from the white paper. But remenber this isn’t all out there on day one! It will be over a 50 year period


time to tell coinmarketcap and coingecko delete maid/emaid and add ANT


ANT is going up there…

updates to MAID also, but not a delete ofc


Got it thanks. Can I get a count of how many ants will already be minted and on exchanges before TGE on the 14th?

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