MaidSafeCoin Conversion Process Now Open!

After a journey that began back in 2014, MaidSafeCoin holders can now begin the long-awaited transition over to Autonomi Network Tokens.

You can read about and follow the complete process here, including the full schedule and key dates.

None of this would be possible without you. So we thank you for your relentless support, dedication and determination.

To a better Internet for all of us.



“submit” not “sumbit”


Burned first 10k. Cannot wait to receive ANT and start playing around with it. Great job, all of you.


Do we know how much time we have (days, months, years…) to convert Maid tokens in Omni to ANT tokens?


Thought I would try a test transaction with the last small batch I removed from BitMart…

so following along from From a Software Wallet | Autonomi …

ÂŁ111 fees to burn ~ÂŁ80 worth of eMAID??

I clicked on “Cancel” and was happy to see the following red ink

No doubt someone will be along soon to tell me Im doing it wrong and really this blockchain stuff is wonderful and really cheap and reliable if you know how.

Minor detail:

“MaidSafeCoin: eMAID Token”

link on the contract page still points to


If you open the address of the token, you can see how much people have already paid for burned tokens. All are cents:

Check out the Dev Forum


Anyone signing from Trezor Suite? which format to choose Trezor or Electrum?

i wouldn’t do it from trezor, just follow the instructions. the team probably won’t be able to help you, everyone else will probably guess and you might loose your coins.

Looks like things are moving - someone just sent 17M MAID to the burn address!


Now that sounds like one of those at ICO who bought a ton, or an exchange

Some other big ones in the hundreds of thousands. Some really big holders of MAID


Looks like Poloniex. It would be very interesting to see what they’re planning to do with it… Liquidity for a listing?? If they wanted to sell/dump they could have done so years ago. Those MAID had been there since 2019


Poloniex still has over 9m MAID on their address.

This 17m could also be them, or perhaps an investor who bought a huge stack of MAID on Poloniex in 2019.

Yeah, i see the MAID on their main omni address is still untouched. But these 17M came from there initially. And I just find it hard to believe an individual sat on all these until now. Anyway, we’ll find out what 'll happen with them soon.

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Yea not poloniex.

There were people with 20 million and above. Some sold off but I’m sure others did not


20M burned in one go?! I hope they get the ANT tokens in return. I’m still waiting to receive the ANT for the eMAID I burned last week. When will the ANT token be avaiable to buy on BitMart? So if we don’t need to swap for 3 years, does that mean there will be 3 tokens that relate to the Autonomi network? Three tokens with the same value but three different prices probably…that should be interesting!

The first Airdrop is on Friday 14th, so I expect you should get yours then.

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I actually didn’t ask this before, if you leave eMaid in your Bitmart account, does the exchange charge any fee for converting the tokens to ANT?

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I only have eMAID dust in my BitMart, I transferred it all to MM - cost me 4 eMAID withdrawal fee IIRC

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I am not anticipating that, but I have seen CEXs charge “reorganizing fees” before