I’m sure we can wrangle that info together for you folks. Others have mentioned that as well…
…just give us a beat, there are many things happening all at once
I’m sure we can wrangle that info together for you folks. Others have mentioned that as well…
…just give us a beat, there are many things happening all at once
Just a reminder, that if you have eMAID on the Bitmart exchange, and you wish to complete the swap yourself, or you want to withdraw or trade prior to TGE you should do so before 6 February 2025 at 11:00 UTC as trading and withdrawals will be suspended:
@JimCollinson and all the others beavering away in the background, thanks for all your hard work
I wonder if open orders will be switched to ANT, or cancelled?
Most likely, open orders will need to be cancelled or BitMart will do it automatically: - “While the upgrade for EMAID smart contract takes place, BitMart will pause all EMAID-related features.”
Could someone from the team please answer how the TGE will work for investors on bnktothefuture? Thanks
Bux touched on this in Discord saying that “we treat BTTF as the shareholder (they don’t like MaidSafe speaking directly with folks who are essentially ‘their investors’) so they have the communication - some folks have had the comms for MaidSafe shareholders sent ono them in the past though to speed up their info flow”
thanks for the info, I’ve messaged BTTF, but they have provided absolutely no information on their website, which is a bit crazy considering they’re stopping you from talking with us about it.
Hopefully they will reply soon, but their communication is generally horrible
Is there any way to directly receive the MaidSafe shareholders communication? BTTF says it can take 2 weeks to reply, and they never reply to their forum posts either. I don’t want to miss swapping the shares I’ve held for so many years.
You will also be missing the shareholders telephone call update which is taking place in February if you are not receiving direct communication.
That sounds very important, are you a BTTF holder? Do you know how I can get any of these updates? I’m not seeing anything in my BTTF account or email. Thank you!!
In an hour:
Fellow omniwallet.org users, who’s going first?
As an example, is cost as little as $2 worth of BTC a few days ago.
should probably read
As an example, it cost as little as $2 worth of BTC a few days ago.
Too late here, that is a tomorrow job, no need to rush anyhow.
We’ve got 3 years. Hope to wait until the native token, or until I understand if I am triggering events. Don’t want to trigger more than I need to.
Hope the beta rewards are going to be enough to begin my journey away from Google Drive, S3 etc… Goodbye monthly fees.
So whats the plans for next Tuesday are we all going to the publ?
I tried…
and failed…