The time has come for EVM testing, our goal is testing the new ERC20 token.
From today until next Tuesday you will all be competing for tokens at TGE.
In the past we collected Discord names to track your rewards, but we will be using ETH wallet addresses now. You will NOT earn rewards if this is not linked. MetaMask (MM) is a very popular software wallet and here is how to set it up.
*Note: The ETH wallet address that is linked to your rewards is where you will receive your tokens at TGE. There will be a separate process for rewards connected to Discord ID.
Then, press Ctrl R, type reset, and hit enter. This will stop your nodes, RESET, and upgrade their software with the latest network updates.
Close LP and reopen it
Press Ctrl B and add your ETH wallet address.
Press Ctrl G to restart your nodes.
For CLI Tool Users:
If you’re using the CLI tool, you’ll need to RESET your nodes as well, using the latest Node Manager (v0.11.0). The full reset command guide is available on our documentation site.
We’ve made a small change to the add command in the node manager. When adding a node, please use the following format: safenode-manager add <as before> --rewards-address <wallet address> evm-arbitrum-sepolia
*Be sure to placeevm-arbitrum-sepoliaat the end of the command.
For ALL Users:
Please ramp up nice and gradually with their nodes — especially if the plan on running lots of them
Please be conservative with CPU provisioning
This test is not optimized for performance (hence that CPU note)
All data maps are public so uploading will NOT be anonymous for the test this week.
Ug. Are autonomi really expecting normal people to navigate 2 long pages laboriously cutting and pasting complex lines of crypto weirdness to use this network? And this is not to discredit the documentation itself, its very good and well written, but boy I can’t imagine any normal computer savvy person, let alone my mum ever looking at this and thinking, you know what I this all looks simple, who needs dropbox!
There has been speculation for a long time that if the network is successful, there will be bridges (third parti servers) through which the connection to it will pass and for the majority of people they will not have to do anything, the complicated stuff will remain for the power users…
Feature request: ```safenode-manager status --details```` still shows the ‘owner’ from the Discord days. It would be nice to see confirmation of the ETH address associated with the node.
Honestly, the first time Ive ever heard about MetaMask was this post. No clue who this product comes from and what it does.
If I use a new, randomly generated eth address and use it for the beta, can I convert it to safe tokens later when autonomi corrects itself and moves to the native token? Or do I have to go through the metamask bullshit now in order for it to work?
The rewards for beta (this week only) will be sent to that address. The attos earned during Nov, Dec, and Jan will have an equivalent amount of the ERC20 network token (nanos) air dropped (i guess air drop) into that eth address.
At this time we have not been told what the ERC20 network token will be after TGE at end of Jan.
The beta rewards from before will require them to contact us for an ETH address to send the network tokens to.
When the native token arrives the ERC20 token will be exchanged into the native token.
For this week and beyond they use the blockchain explorer to show the balance and when it was earned. Only those testing the network will have any balances in the test ERC20 “chain”
For previous rewards to this week they will likely use their discord bot to DM us to get the eth address
There is something I’ve noticed that I’m confused about. The minimum cost for uploading a file seems to be 0.000000008 tokens as quoted by autonomi file cost <filename>
autonomi file cost tempcost
Logging to directory: "/home/ubuntu/.local/share/safe/autonomi/logs/log_2024-10-25_10-01-45"
autonomi client built with git version: stable / 24a3356 / 2024-10-24
🔗 Connected to the Network Getting upload cost...
Estimate cost to upload file: tempcost
Total cost: 0.000000008
However, what is being paid out to nodes is 0.000000000000000001 in ANT. (And another 0.000000000000000001 to 3 other nodes.)
I thought a atto was going to be 1/1000th of a nano. The above difference between the minimum amount of tokens that the autonomi client seems to know about and what nodes are receiving is a factor of 1 billion! And why is the multiplier 8 and not 4? The quote of 0.000000008 tokens would seem to imply there are 8 copies.
well … @aatonnomicc did upload begblag and I’m pretty sure he didn’t manage to accumulate picos before uploading … so I will boldly state the cost function is broken in the following ways …
1 nano is assumed the minimum amount possible … (and it includes royalty payments of 1 nano as it was before the evm switch) …
=> so we have 2 nano per chunk as minimum cost … 3 encrypted chunks + 1 data map == 4 chunks to store … with 2 nano minimum we end up at 8 nanos … which makes it completely useless for now
🔗 Connected to the Network Uploading file: "./BegBlag.mp3"
Successfully uploaded: "./BegBlag.mp3"
At address: 304b74b76536e89910262ade48020a4ab2724bdaf353f3b42de625fee2477228
Number of chunks uploaded: 17
Total cost: 17 AttoTokens