The London SAFE Network meetup is live and monthly, starting 29th Aug 2018. All are welcome and the event is free (sign-up in advance required by the venue).
It will be a great opportunity to ask questions and get to know the project better, as well as meet other members of the community who may be developing applications and related side projects.
Can’t wait for this one down in the Big Smoke @opacey - thanks for organising everything! Looking forward to seeing a few old faces and hopefully meeting a few new ones
That was a very interesting presentation and really well done.
Look forward to more descriptions like that.
I did wonder that for the future it might be interesting to see also descriptions of “What if…” - that is how the network responds in case that XYZ. For example I can’t imagine atm how it would respond to an isolation incident, where part of the network become split but still large enough to survive. I can only guess that for “normal” data it would have no impact on a rejoining but then safecoin might be a different kind of data. I don’t know if sections and XOR make that a trivial problem or not. That sort of simple resolved “in case that X occurs, the network does Y”, heading off of natural wondering by the skeptical mind, might be useful for engaging new users?
It seems the next was suggested as 11th September…
ahh so gutted i checked back on maidsafe one month too late. missed three events in london that just passed recently. im trying to keep up with as many crypto events as possible normally. will stay tuned. let me know if any help for the next event is required!
Thanks to all those who came and helped promote the evening. It was a lot of fun and so cool that @JPL could demo his how-to make a website tutorial… complete with cat picture!
We covered lots of topoics including
privacy and the notion of a ‘login’
whether existing web monopolies could re-dominate on the SAFENet
the tension between keeping the UX of SAFENet sufficiently distinct from the clearweb to prevent user confusion -vs- the need to keep barriers to adoption as low as possible.
…and much more
Thanks to @pierrechevalier83 for pointing out the significant implications of much of what we discussed.
Thanks again for organising @opacey! It was very nice to get to chat about the SAFE Network with everyone around a pint or two Looking forward to the next one.