PARSEC Deep Dive tonight: venue update

If you’re attending the Work on Blockchain event tonight in London, please beware that there has been a last minute change of venue.

The meetup will now be held here:
Yoti, 1 Fountain House, 130 Fenchurch St, London, EC3M 5DJ

The Eventbrite page contains up-to-date information:

Looking forward to meeting some of you tonight :smiley: (ccing @Sonder and @Charles-Johnson since you both expressed interest in joining)


Thanks for the update Pierre.

See you tonight.


You can also watch back both presentations on YouTube if you missed it!
Dug’s Quick Overview of the SAFE Network
Pierre and Bart’s Deep Dive into PARSEC


Really enjoyed the meet up and presentations last night.

Great for me to finally get to something like this with techy, crypto enthusiast, and was a pleasure to meet @dugcampbell, @pierrechevalier83, and @bart, who all gave excellent presentations.

Like i said on this forum a couple of days ago, I was worried it may have been too deep for me as my knowledge of this area is limited, but having followed Maidsafe quite closely for a number of years I was actually surprised to feel like I could have answered some of the more basic questions asked by the audience.

Before the Maidsafe team took the stage, there were a number of short presentations by the organisers and some guys from other projects.

The organisers from (goes live Friday apparently) impressed me with the number of free events they put on like last night, as well as 2 day workshops teaching developers how to program on blockchain systems (definitely something I’ll be looking into for the future).

The other project that stood out to me was a payment application called Pay With Glass that allowed free transactions and very good exchange rates across borders. They were using the Stellar network, and using some clever arbitrage system across multiple exchanges to get the best price as well as make a profit for themselves.

Maidsafe / Safe Network

Dug started things off with a very nice high level overview of the Safe Network, unfortunately he had to rush through it a bit due to previous talks running over a little, but it was still very clear with some great slides and an excellent intro for those in the room that didn’t know much about SAFE. As soon as he finished there were many questions from the audience.

Next up was Bart and Pierre, that took us deep into understanding how PARSEC worked. This was the bit I was worried how much I would understand, but I was pleasantly surprised to be able to follow most of their description and diagrams, and although I want to look back at the presentation to try and understand it all better, it did give me a good understanding of how PARSEC works and the encouragement and confidence to dig deeper when I get back home.

Pierre and Bart took us breifly through a few other existing consensus mechanism with the pros and cons of each, which was then followed with why they had to create their own.

The hardest part for me to follow was how PARSEC orders events and keeps a majority consensus, but with the help of the diagrams and great explainations I think most in the room followed it well. They also explained why they had to use a concrete coin over a common coin for randomness. All very interesting, but these will be the parts I will definitely be revisiting soon to attempt to get my head around better. I know from my own type of systems I’ve programmed, I need to spend a few hours in a dark room to fully get my head around these kind of things.

To end there were quite a few questions from the audience, and the 15 minutes left for this part could easily have turned into half an hour with some questions needing long, detailed explanations, but all handled very well by Bart and Pierre.

Afterwards it was nice to grab a beer and have a chat with a few that attended as well as the Maidsafe team.

So, excellent work guys! It was great to meet you all. Keep up with the good work and I’ll hopefully see you at another one of these events, armed with more understanding and questions. It has definitely left me with many things to ponder and thinking about how I can somehow get involved in the space. Thanks :slight_smile:

Edit: looks like Sarah has just uploaded the videos from last night, so it is all there for you to see anyway. Enjoy.


@dugcampbell @SarahPentland @bart @pierrechevalier83 the presentations are excellent and the production value is spot on! Video/audio quality, the presentation slides matching the sites theme is great, very well spoken bunch. :clap::clap::clap:


Hey @Sonder, was awesome to meet you in the flesh and to put another face to a forum handle! Full marks go to you for travelling as you did just for that one event as well - meeting the SAFE community at these things is always a highlight, sure the rest of the team would echo that as well :smile:

Great to see @Charles-Johnson once again - and thank you @Nigel as well! We managed to get Steve, a friend of @opacey’s who also filmed the last SAFE London meetup to do this one and we’re really happy with the quality (and the speed he turned it all around in once again!) - heavily recommend him to anyone who’s looking to film an event in the London area.


Great presentations from @dugcampbell, @pierrechevalier83 and @bart last night. It was interesting watching the other talks to get a perspective for what blockchain is solving and why it’s centralised like in the case of pay with glass or government regulated like Yoti.

I wish I could have stayed for a drink longer to chat more to all the enthusiastic people that came but I needed to catch the last train home :frowning:. Looking forward to the upcoming meetings :slight_smile: