Our SAFE Apps site is 100% DONE!

this is the exact one idea we hope this network can provide for us, amongst check in for finances and next days report, storage, and only essentials.


I know so many people who would use that too man, just from living in Hawaii 7 yrs, like I was thinking it could even have a live feed of the waves and the swells, and the live video feed could be earning SafeCoin for whoever put the cams up because surfers are checking it out, ya know? But right on its a great idea

Hey guys!!

I just updated lots of things that I have been meaning to on our APP SITE!


Let me know if you have any ideas for it too!! Shareable link: Tiny.cc/AppSite

Privacy, Security, Freedom!!! (&appsFTW)

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dang, just remembered, gotta give you credit for the idea things @Blindsite2k Iā€™ll get on that ASAP!


Lol yeah was just about to poke you about that. :smile:

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By the way where is the ā€œSubmit a new logo,ā€ link or button?

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And hey I definitely had you in mind when making that google form so feel free to go crazy on it. I wanna get all your ideas documented. Might even make a separate website for you and all your ideas if you want me to; would be fun!

Itā€™s at the bottom of the app site, or just click the big logo image that says ā€œSubmit your own app click hereā€ a few posts above, right here.

Also, hereā€™s a direct link to it:

Does anyone have thoughts on the CALLED IT social network prediction APP?

Featured here:

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So it looks like me and Mr @dallyshalla are gonna get working on giving this site a professional make over :smiley: stay tuned


@whiteoutmashups You know youā€™re doing a good job when the government hates you so much your site gets blocked on Facebook. :smile:

@Warren You know I was just reading through the thread again and it occurs to me that thereā€™s another word for ā€œadvertisingā€: Propaganda. Why do people want to switch over from Google to Duckduckgo? Anonymous unfiltered search results, or as you call it ā€œhonestā€ search results. Why are people switching from TV to online streaming and surfing? To avoid advertising and government propaganda. I think people are naturally developing an intolerance to having someone elseā€™s one sided message pushed on them, regardless of whether that entity is an individual, a corporation, a government or a religion. So the solution isnā€™t in banning such messages but instead giving people additional tools and alternatives to avoid such messages altogether.

You know what would be awesome is if you could have some augmented reality glasses or something to image block advertising on buildings and stuff as you walk around town lol.


@Blindsite2k I love the idea of the glasses. Mass aggregate sponsorship over time sets up a censorship megaphone or puppet media. Then you get puppets and puppet law and the meta message is always about giving you power to people who more money than you. And then yes everything especially including work becomes extortion.

Money is not speech anymore than bribery or black mail is. Its extreme idiocy that it would now take money to elect anyone. The money is censorship, its utility to those who want to play this game is undue power and eventually their money as law. Government is bad enough and where its functional its generally spending its time trying to check the abuses that come from money especially any derived political power, it is supposed to eliminate money as a gag order. The idea of sponsored media in elections is outragious beyond belief. We have to pay off censor puppets to keep from being censored, thereby increasing their ability to engage in censorship?

Lol I bet itā€™s because of the SAFEvote App on there, thatā€™s gonna replace 'em :slight_smile:


hey guys!!

Iā€™m working on a v2 of the appsite,

check out what i got so far at www.tiny.cc/appsitev2

its not finished of course, but I got excited and wanted to show some cool updates:

  • it has more space for higher-rez logos (which Iā€™ll have to do)
  • it overall looks much more professional and worthy
  • and I added in a new comments section!!! (see it at the bottom of the LifeStuff page!!)

Looking forward to finishing this, and hearing your thoughts so far!!


I get into this late, just wanted to ask what this is all about. As far as I see itĀ“s vaporware-logos?
WhoĀ“s the target group?

many of them are being developed right now, ex. SAFEx, SAFEPress, LifeStuff, WorkStuff, N99, SAFEBrowsing, SAFEMessages, and I need to make a logo for Project Decorum, but that one too.

but in general, they were to inspire and open peopleā€™s eyes to possibilities and uses for our SAFE Network.

will inspire innovation in many directions

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I probably missed that. Is there any documentation that proofs development?

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i just edited my last comment to add 8 names of actively developing apps

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I think to make it substantial you should add links to Githubs, otherwise it really looks like vaporware, which wouldnĀ“t be very attractive/inspiring to newcomers.


good idea, will do. your comments help make the final page better!

but, as our network is still in development, remember that ā€œvaporwareā€ is about the best thing humanly possible at this point in time.

so i dont really know what you expect lol

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