Other Coins - Price & Trading topic

How much is the fund managers percentage vs managed fund?
How much are they risking?
Hope it works our for you.
I invested in iconomi but won’t use the platform .
I see some easy attack vectors.

Manager buys coin a in personal account.
Manager then buys coin a with managed funds.
Manager can make alot of money and possibly not care if managed fund loses.

Now I know not everyone’s an unscrupulous person, but they’re are some.

You need to look at it I provided all the info. Basically they set it. So again its decentralized. Don’t use that fund use one of the thousand others… that’s the WHOLE point. They will compete with collateral and with percentage of profits. They’re already doing it.

Your missing the BIG point that this already exist, everywhere, all the questions you asked and attacks already exist, these guys are simply decentralising it all. Ill predict you’ll have a data site soon similar to CMC or Gecko where you’ll toggle through fund managers filter by whatever you want. It is what it is, is it perfect, hell no!

Here are some screenshots from inside the app

I get the concept, isn’t it exactly what iconomi did years ago?

I’ll not invest, but good luck to you.

Sounds similar to APY, which is basically a liquidity pool aggregator. Deposit in one place, and they ship the liquidity around the best farming pools.

Sushi overtakes Uni… for now…

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12 posts were merged into an existing topic: A Second (vampire) network attack - discussion

Anybody got any experience/comments on https://dex-trade.com/ ?

Just realized Bitcoin passed 1 trillion USD market cap some time ago, then went up from there, and now is back down at that point. If it doesn’t go down from here, this will be probably a wait and see moment for Bitcoin, for… a day, at least, maybe numerous.

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WTF is Orbs. Up 600% in the last week

You play only on listed ones on Binance or do you play with uniswap?

Nexo.io isn’t a scam by the way, it was founded by the same founders of Credissimo.
They are on paper as solid as BlockFi.

Manipulating the price of certain tokens may not be a scam, but it is extremely immoral. I explained what is being said in the Bulgarian crypto circles. I do not use them and I do not recommend other people to use them.

Yeah I am aware of this incident, I don’t buy it.
First of all it doesn’t make sense as Nexo and Link were working together at that time. Also Nexo spent resources for PR to promote the integration with Link. Why would they shoot themselves in their foot with such a poorly crafted FUD?

It is more likely it was a false flag operation by their competitors. The supposed “evidence” doesn’t prove anything, in fact it is very weak. Anyone can read a source code from a website, and anyone can copy paste it.

However, this is not the whole story and it is normal you to think so. As far as I remember, Simeon has a history of other such manipulations 10 years ago and these data were exported to the Bulgarian crypto circles. It is interesting how it did not reach the international media. But anyway, this was a widely debated case in Bulgaria and after reading all the evidence against Simion I sold all my Nexo tokens…

I just noticed that Enjin Coin (which was similarly priced to MAID at the start of the year) is now a $2bn cap coin. It looks like the NFT craze is responsible.

I just thought I’d mention it, given the scope of Safe Network and how well it can cater for NFTs. However, atomic swaps of multiple assets would be desirable for Safe Network to do this effectively.

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Brave BAT

now… I know that brave lets you earn while browsing, and switched to brave ages ago… what I haven’t been doing is keeping an eye on my wallet.

Well… I just checked this months earnings so far…


It won’t give me financial independence, but at least the internet is paying for itself - partly.

1 BAT = $1.00 - ish


Please consider tipping this site.

@Dimitar will use the funds wisely and you wont miss them cos you didnt know you had them.

Aaaaand we will all think warm thoughts about you … Deal?


“I expected that some coins would enter and renter dependant on progress and changing valuations, but to enter as many times as MaidSafeCoin was astounding!”

@Dimitar you could say MAID is a top “performer” :wink::wink:

That’s a really great article! A lot of mentions of MAID and how much time it spent in the top ten. It is just outside (at number 11) of being in the top ten of coins in the top ten over all time!

Glad he also mentions the project still being active. The article clearly hasn’t gotten much traction so let’s share it on social and give the man some comments and claps!


Filecoin up 50% today. These are the days that make me cry.