Other Coins - Price & Trading topic

My friend just bought some FIL right after the big dip. I called him a traitor (he also owns MAID) and he said “I don’t even know what the hell FIL does”, haha. I’ll have to congratulate him on the gains (as long as he realizes them).

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Only due to the new Filecoin Grayscale Trust… no real advances. :crazy_face:

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Grayscale has a filecoin trust to trade on the stock market?


Wow, that’s wild, didn’t see that

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If filecoin can get to EUR 70, with it’s limited tech ( compared to the safenet), EUR 70 is in the bag for Safecoin… maybe even shortly after a successful full test net.


Great article! Clapped and commented.

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They did it with 58M coins were most of them is locked by farmers. They are not in position to sell if they want continue to provide own resources.

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I think that about sums up the demand for many of these coins. Fundamentals are unknown or ignored and people just buy into the hype. Maybe they will be lucky, but that is absolutely how bubbles form.

Filecoin still feels like a solution searching for a problem, as is evident by their lack of users. Plenty of folks seem to want to speculate on it, but the actual use cases for it seem a little thin on the ground.


People’s buy in hipe like coming in new exchange… They even dont trying on big exchanges like bianace and others even , ada coinbase news new people’s are going with news if you are doing well so try to reach people’s through promotion…

But is that sustainable though? When people see the man behind the curtain, instead of the glitz, will they be likely to hold? Will they be any more likely to use the product?

Folks piling into assets, just because others are, is the very definition of a bubble. They pop and take no prisoners when they do, as the underlying value is so much lower. Maybe some people will time the game well and will make massive returns… those returns will come from those who failed to do so, which will be the majority. We saw this is the last bubble too, btw - MAID did comparatively well compared to most.

Provider of small rig with 112TiB have 1675Fil, but he can sell only 98Fil (6%) or use them to enlarge his storage to get more Fil. If that ratio locked/free coins is similar to whole network, there is just few millions of Fil which can be on a market.

Hi @Sotros25 do you have an opinion on Solana? I’ve been told it’s pretty big, so have just been doing a little research on it. It looks like it has strong links to the FTX exchange, which also looks like a big deal.

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Tried to convert a guy on Twitter from looking at/investing is Sia and was met with more pushback then I would have expected. Obviously a running network vs. not having an active testnet is a tough sell but having him say he has looked at maid and “Sia is miles ahead of any project” in all aspects, kind of stunned me into say hmmm, converting people might not be that easy.

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He clearly doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. Move on and talk to open minded folks.



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Well as I started explaining maid from a more pedestrian level @Sotros25 came in and cleaned up the high tech points for me which was appreciated. Not sure what you want me to take away from this post.


Reality exists. Sia is the decentralized internet we have today. Tomorrow, Safe may prove to be the better decentralized internet and overtake Sia, but today Sia is miles ahead of us. Reality exists and that’s ok…


Some people have eyes, but no vision. That’s fine. Move on to those who have vision. The rest will always be looking in the rear view mirror.