Has gone from #2400 on CMC to #269.
They do not have a working network.
Not many tokens have anything working. That’s the world of crypto. Prayers, hope and speculation
In one jump because CMC recognized their market cap. Btw, this RADIX project is a project from around 2014 as far as I know.
The price has barely moved, but market cap has shot up. Lots more coins released?
I no nothing about radix BTW.
Around positon 2400 on CMC, there are marketcapless project. Once CMC recognised proper amount coins in circulation, eXRD shot up to the place where it belonged for months.
I follow from a distance but am a little worried about the emunie days. It has certainly been in development for years and made a very convenient defi twist.
Anyway, my understanding is that if you purchased tokens in the ICO those tokens are released to to you at certain price thresholds.
So if you bought 100k tokens at ICO they are unlocked in batches as the price goes up.
That is my understanding anyhow.
Correct me if I am wrong.
I find them interesting as they are an old project, with a small respected team. They have their Fleming coming out at the end of April. They’ve been hiring some people known for launching successful products and they are making sure the public knows they have something to share.
It is a different approach from Maidsafe which is interesting to compare. They have achieved the current market cap despite unlocking coins by having 12 trading pairs on various exchanges. I think currently top projects finished or not have at least 10 exchanges. Radix has 8 exchanges. I suspect they understand to be relevant you need to have visibility on exchanges. They are already forming partnerships and prepping the public for their Fleming.
I think it is possible we could have Fleming by June, July, August. I’d like to see the community raise funds to hire someone that works on PR full time. If we really will have Fleming this year there is plenty to get people outside our tiny community excited about. The Safechats and AMAs are awesome to see coming from Maidsafe. If we can keep this up without taking too much time from the team we could have quite an exciting story people can resonate with. David did say he wanted to keep Maidsafe at the back of community outreach and marketing efforts which I now understand. They should be insulated so they can hold laser focus on the project. Why couldn’t we raise the funds as a community to hire someone that can work full-time on PR thereby insulating the team and communicating Safe Networks story to the world.
I am not a fan of smooth talkers in general but Piers is one and is doing a fantastic job of selling the project.
The problem remains as discussed much recently is that the market for safe is so broad I think organic growth of supporters is going to be the most effective in the end.
I am not a marketing guy but it seems an massive undertaking when the market is not just a single industry.
Need an evangelist like Andreas Antonopolous. Where do we get one of those?
On another note.
EIP1559 has officially been agreed upon by Ethereum core devs and will go live with the London hard fork in July.
Let the drama unfold… been a while since we had some good popcorn crypto shenanigans.
By exposing the full potential of Safe Network to as much of the public as possible. Early on we might focus on developers and the crypto community. These people will materialize when they see the possibilities the Safe Network will bring in its totality. Working network or not. They will be inspired to share this vision and hope with others.
Agreed. hopefully the ease will make it crystal clear.
Bid is at 2 million dollars.
Jack’s Square bought Tidal. They are going to do NFT music.
The Safe Network could offer permanent one off NFTs.
That’s mental.
2.5 mill now.
When the market comes, these things won’t cost anything - my crypto
agree with me
It’s all about getting your buddies to buy your own NFTs and looking for a fool who will be the final holder. I suspect crazy amounts are wash trades, real cost is just an issuance fee and transaction fee.
I almost never (maybe never actually) shill coins here (I think I maybe talked about Cardano once butt didn’t really shill it) but im going to shill this and so take that however you like.
Im telling you guys because I genuinely like you many of you and hope to see you do well and I genuinely think this project will do really well. Of course I am invested.But I dont need to shill here. Again take that how you want it.
What is it?
Unifund - $iFUND
App or dApp I suppose you could call it is here.
Twitter, Telegram, Reddit and Medium.
What does it do?
Is doing actually. Its basically DeFi. Decentralised fund management to be specific. Wealth growth to be more specific. You pick a fund, give them some of your crypto and let them try to give you more back to be even more specific.
The app already works. You can find it here, again.
The $iFUND token is available to get on Uniswap here. Currently like 20c.
In a nut shell these guys are doing what Uniswap did for exchanges but for fund management.
Think of it like this you have your own hedge fund manager, there is a leader board so you can sift through them and find the good ones, you give them some money and they give you back more, ideally.
The fund managers have to input collateral into the contract and so depending on how many funders there are you will reduce your counter party risk.
Risk factors for me personally where that most of the team are anonymous and that its basically still super early days in DeFi and there have been some scams mainly as resulted from bad contracts. This one has been audited, take that how you will, personally I dont think audits do much except for make people feel better.
This is super early days.
37 Million tokens and I think only like 1000 governance tokens.
Distribution currently buy staking.
See you on the other side.
DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! Don’t blame me if you lose your home!